If you are a fan of Hondas or Acuras and have heard of Honda Swap or wish to perform one yourself, you know a good deal about the interchangeability and ease in which you can swap engines, transmissions and more. But if you’ve landed here, you want to know what exact motor can swap into what chassis, and / or vice versa. If you need help removing your old engine, this guide can help you take out of the old Honda engine.
As with all of our engine swap tutorials and writeups, it’s important to know exactly what your end goal is to your project. Setting a reasonable goal now will allow you to make the right fundamental choices in engine, transmission and modifications and make the right choices the first time. Setting unreasonable goals or goals that have set the bar too low might cause you to change your mind, or your build which in turn leads to wasted dollars, time and effort.

For many enthusiasts swapping from their SOHC to something like a B16 is all they will ever need or want, for others who want more for forced induction they may opt for a B18, while others who to be out on the cutting edge may want a K series.

Whatever your goals are, from a 700 hp fire breathing turbocharged monster, 15 second quarter mile drag racer or grocery getter, if you want the information on Honda motor swaps, this is the page for you.

Cheap Honda engine swaps are plentiful and easy to find. Here’s a few suggestions:
If you are in the early stages of planning your Honda swap, head on over to our Honda Swap VTEC Guide where we show you what you need to do for each possible Honda swap combination.
What’s the best Honda Swap Combination?
Easy and common enough question, but the answer is much more complex because you have to take into account so many factors to properly judge them. Good news for you is we’ve already done it for you with our Top 10 Honda Engine Swaps Countdown.
Looking to swap your Honda on a budget? Check out the Yonaka motor mount kits : Yonaka EK 96-00 Honda Civic B or D Series Motor Mounts Kit Set B16 B18 D15 D16
Selecting your Engine vs your chassis
Before looking at any motor or transmission combinations, you’ve got to weigh the generation of engine you are swapping vs the generation of vehicle you are swapping into for a firm grasp on what parts need to be swapped and what parts need to be modified. And to understand this, you have to understand the On Board Diagnostics part of engine swapping and what it means to you and your car.
What generation ECU is in my Honda?
Hondas from 1991 and earlier are OBD0 vehicles, 1992-1995 Hondas are OBDI, the 1996-1998 Honda/Acuras are OBDII, and the 1999-2001 and above are OBDIIB. Each generation of On Board Diagnostics include more and more in the way of emissions controls and sensors that may or may not have to swapped over to your chassis. With the exception of OBD0, which would include vacuum lines to properly set ignition timing, the general rule of thumb is that the earlier version of OBD, the better.
How to Convert from OBD0 to OBD1

How to Convert from OBD2 to OBD1
To that extent, we’ll be focusing on the OBDI swaps which are some of the most common and popular swaps available and do not require such things as a egr or fuel evap systems like the OBDII engines and ECU’s will. Swapping in a OBDII engine into a vehicle that is from an earlier generation may prove troublesome if you want everything to work as if it were stock. For instance, swapping a 1998 Acura Integra B18C1 (GSR) into a OBD0 Honda CRX will include many issues such as fuel tank conversion, secondary 02 conversion and much more.
But this kind of swap involving a motor that is newer than the car, is the only legal method in which to swap your motor in your car, if the state you live in cares about that kind of stuff.
Innovative Honda Swap linkage kits rule out last minute junkyard runs or bending your linkage to make it fit your transmission. Some of the best linkage Honda swap combinations you can use :
If you reside in a state with strict smog laws such as California or Arizona in which laws prohibit you from swapping an older motor into a newer car, you will want to do your homework to find out what is legal and what isnt. If you are concerned about the laws and regulations of the state in which you reside, make sure you check them out to prevent any problems in the future.
Which Motors Go Into My 1992-1995 OBDI Single Cam?
For simplicity sake, we’ll be lumping the 92-95 Honda Civic (EG) and the Del Sol into the same Single Cam category, only for this section. We’ll take a look at what fits what, what parts and mounts you will need and what ecu combinations or changes must be made to complete the engine swap.
OBDI B16a, B17a, B18a – A healthy bump up in torque and power (especially with the VTEC B16) however much of the down low grunt will feel similar to your SOHC.
- Transmission: If you locate this motor and transmission from a wrecker together, you will have a cable clutch transmission which means you will require a conversion unit to allow for usage on your hydraulic vehicle. Check out Hasport, Innovative and many more mount companies for this conversion piece that will make your hydraulic clutch work with a cable one. Conversely you could opt for a Y21, Y80, S80, S4C, which are all hydraulic clutch transmissions and use the traditional slave and master cylinders.
- Mounts: We love Honda engine swaps that don’t need aftermarket polyurethane shake-your-teeth-fillings-apart at light combinations, and this kind of swap can be done using a combination of stock Civic and stock Integra mounts if a Hydraulic B series transmission is used. Depending on the year of the transmission, your tranny mount and / or rear T motor mount may need swapping to match the transmission of your choice.
- ECU: There’s no reason to be cute here, use the same generation OBDI ECU for this swap, a PR3 from 1992-1993 Integra, a P30 or P28 from a B16
- Differences: If your vehicle does not come with VTEC, then you will need a VTEC solenoid and pressure switch added into your engine harness. As you aren’t changing much ( unless your car is a Honda Civic VX ) you can add these wires to your existing harness.
- Axles: Any axles from a 1990-2000 Acura Integra will work here, as well as a 1994-1997 Del Sol or the EM1 axles from a 1999-2000 Honda Civic. If you opt to use a 1990-1993 Integra ( DA ) axle setup, you will need to change the intermediate shaft seal on the driver side of the transmission.
OBDII B18A (1994-2001 Acura Integra) – Terrific choice with a healthy bump in torque but without the added benefit of VTEC. Forced induction favorite with the lower compression of a B18A.
- Transmission: As this engine is usually coupled to a hydraulic transmission of some sort, either the USDM or JDM Y21, Y80, S80, AND S4C. You can of course opt for a cable transmission for use here, if you want another conversion kit to make the clutch engage and disengage.
- Mounts: Like the B16 in this vehicle, you can use the factory Honda mounts for a superior OE feel that will give your car the impression Honda put the motor in your car from the factory.
- ECU: Like the B16, no need to fix what isn’t broke, use a P75 from a 1994-1995 Acura Integra.
- Differences: If you do not have a 4 wire 02 in your car, you will need to add those additional 02 heater lines to the 02 sensor
- Axles: Any Integra axles from 1990-2001 will fit, as well as the 1994-1997 Del Sol and 1999-2000 Honda Civic. As with the B16 if you opt for the 1990-1993 Integra axles you will need a change at the intermediate shaft.
OBDII B18C1 – B18C5 (1994-2001 Acura Integra) – The best overall choice for those who don’t want to make the leap to a H or K series motor, with VTEC and a robust rpm range this motor is meant to wind up and power your Honda Swap down the street.
- Transmission : The same as the B18A1 choices here, the standard JDM or USDM Y21, Y80, S80, AND S4C, a cable tranny from 1990-1993 if you want to buy a conversion kit
- Mounts: Like the B16A and B18A in this vehicle, you can use the factory Honda mounts for a superior OE feel that will give your car the impression Honda put the motor in your car from the factory.
- ECU: You can elect to use the ecu (P72) that came with the car, as they come in OBDI and OBDII flavors but if you are going to use a OBDII unit expect check engine lights unless your ECU is chipped. Chipped ecus can range from the JDM P30 ECU to a chipped P28 ECU
- Differences: The same 4 wire 02 issues remain, as the B18A and B16A as well as the standard non-vtec models that must wire in the pressure and vtec solenoid for the VTEC to engage. A knock sensor will need to be wired in, unless you are running a chipped ecu.
- Axles: Any Integra axles from 1990-2001 will fit, as well as the 1994-1997 Del Sol and 1999-2000 Honda Civic. As with the B16 if you opt for the 1990-1993 Integra axles you will need a change at the intermediate shaft.
Throttle bracket and cable differences can often mess things up for you at this stage. Make sure to check our chart below to ensure you’ve got the right Honda bracket part number as well as the right cable. If you need an aftermarket bracket, there are several available here :
Which Motors Go Into My 1996-2000 OBDII Single Cam?
While the 1996-2000 Honda Civic ( EK ) is a slightly less popular swap candidate than the previous generation, it’s still plenty to like about this chassis with clean lines and an excellent curb weight.
OBDI B16a, B17a, B18a – Great choice from any of these, although the obvious performance orientated choice would include a VTEC engine.
- Transmission: Much like the EG, if you are selecting to swap in one of these motors you will need a conversion harness with unit to allow for your hydraulic clutch master to interact with the cable assembly. Either that or go shopping for the proper hydraulic transmission ( Y21, Y80, S80, S4C) for this engine and it will work without the use of a conversion unit.
- Mounts: If you are using a hydraulic B series transmission a combination of the stock 1999 Honda Civic Si mounts and the lower timing belt mount from a Del Sol will do the trick for your swap. If you are keeping the cable actuated transmission you will still need to change the bracket under the timing belt and the T mount on the back of the motor, depending on which transmission you will be utlizing.
- ECU: A chipped P28 will go a long way in resolving some of the issues with this swap, unless you opt for the non vtec version of this engine. This swap won’t be legal in CA, so going with a chipped P28 along with a conversion harness for your ECU will take care of the majority of the headache here.
- Differences: There can be a ton of differences here as you are bridging from your OBDII vehicle to a older generation, however it’s usually best to retain the stock engine harness and add to it what you need.
- Axles: Much like the EG chassis, any Integra axles from 1990-2001 will fit, as well as the Del Sol and Honda Civics (1994-1997 and 1999-2000 respectively). As with the B16 if you opt for the 1990-1993 Integra axles you will need a change at the intermediate shaft.

OBDII B18A and B18C1/B18C5 (1994-2001 Acura Integra) – Another great choice for those wanting the upgrade to DOHC.
- Transmission: As this engine is usually coupled to a hydraulic transmission of some sort, either the USDM or JDM Y21, Y80, S80, AND S4C, and there’s no real reason to step down to a cable transmission in this case.
- Mounts: You can use the stock mounts from a 1999 Honda Civic Si with the only change to the lower timing side mount, this must be a Del Sol unit for everything to line up correctly.
- ECU: Use a P75 from a 1994-1995 Acura Integra to get your swap moving on the road, you may or may not require a harness to convert depending on the year of your chassis. If your vehicle is not an EX, the usual VTEC solenoid and switch wiring must be completed.
- Differences: If you do not have a 4 wire 02 in your car, you will need to add those additional 02 heater lines to the 02 sensor as well as the knock sensor depending on what ECU you elect to run.
- Axles: The 1994-1997 Del Sol and 1999-2000 Honda Civic SI is your best bet, if you cannot find those and are stuck with a set of OBDI Acura Integra (DA) axles, find the right intermediate shaft before swapping.
How To Change Your Honda 02 Sensor
How To Change Honda Civic Brakes
Which Honda Swap is the Best?
That’s a question we get a lot and to be honest, there’s nothing wrong with the B series. Some may say it’s old or not cutting edge like a K series, but swapping a JDM Honda CRV engine and building a LS VTEC is cheap reliable power. Our guide to buying a JDM engine can show you how to get what you want, whether it’s a JDM Honda CRV engine, or a Honda Civic type R front clip.
H family of motors next

Stay Tuned for our next update!
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[…] that covers many different years and generations of Prelude. This motor is quite common among Honda swap enthusiasts for it’s down low torque and unique power […]
[…] of questions we receive on the subject, we’ve created the K20 Parts Guide. Looking for a How To Honda Swap Guide? Take a look at our What Fits What article here as well as Part 2 of our Honda Swap […]
[…] a list of what fits what in our Honda series, check here and part 2 […]
[…] What Honda motor fits what? […]
I have a question… i have a 1991 acura integra and was wondering if i could use a tranny of a 1994 integra.. thank you
Hi, could you elaborate as to what engine you have in the car? from a 91 to 94 typically does not work without some heavy modifications, which would complicate the swap unless you are getting the 94 for free.
Hi i have a 1997 acura gsr shell. I swaped a 1996 gsr b18c1 and now I’m getting codes P0141 and p1337? also note my 97 gar shell had a b20b with p75 ecu. i took the hole swap out with harnesst. and add the 96 b18c1 harnesst and a p72 ecu.?
Hi David9dz,
Couple of questions, your 97 shell had a b20b with a P73 and you are running what now a P72? It really looks as though you have a few wires mixed up somewhere along the process, because the two codes you list are pretty common in harnesses that have been put together.
The P0141 should be an easy fix, because you are looking at just one set of the heater wires going to your 02 sensor. Let us know which ECU for certain and we’ll point you in the right direction.
As far as the P1337 if you are indeed using a P72, you will be testing the CKF sensor directly on your OBDII B18C1 by unplugging the flying loom on the backside of your engine. Try taking a look at our How To Service your Honda Crank Position Sensor here for a look at what you’ll be testing.
Your GSR crank position sensor should be in the range of 1.5-3.1k ohms, if so this means that your crank positions sensor is good and you have a short someplace in your harness. Hope that helps, thanks for reading and commenting!
[…] cutting and welding will be required when making this conversion. For more information check our What Fits What Guide on […]
Hey i have a 2001 honda logo d13b 16valves and am looking for speed, whats your suggestions
Hi Tishane, thanks for commenting.
With a D13b there’s not much in the way of bolt on options, but you can’t go wrong with the basics. Intake and exhaust modifications can be easily had with a custom intake kit that you can build yourself, or eliminating restrictions in your exhaust system. Make sure to check with the laws in your region to ensure you are legal and compliant with your laws.
Hi I have 91 civic sedan with a b16a vtec and it already has an integra transmission but third 75% of the time grind n throw it out n was just wondering what would be the best transmission to replace it with or just rebuild it? Two more things my rpms started bouncing up down a couple months ago n I replaced the idle air control valve n it didn’t work any suggestions? Last thing whenever I’m on the interstate for a long period of time my engine starts to stutter n slow down if I’m not at 4500 rpms?
Hi John, thanks for commenting.
The third gear scratch is common in the B series transmission, and if third gear is the only one doing that for you a rebuild is cheaper than buying a new tranny. Your third gear synchros and maybe shift fork aren’t expensive parts so long as you find someone that can reliably put your transmission together.
Do your RPMS fluctuate and go up and down when your car is warmed up? If so take a look at our FITV article here : http://my.prostreetonline.com/2015/01/13/fix-honda-idle-surge/
I’m confused about your last sentence, could you rephrase it? On the highway above 4500 rpm the car is fine but it will stutter and run bad under 4500 rpm?
Yeah when it’s warmed up and yes if it’s under 4500 rpm for certain period of time it will run bad on the interstate but at 4500rpm or above is fine but 4500rpm is 90mph and I’m trying not to get speeding tickets lol but also when it starts to stutter I’ll put my car in neutral n turn it off n back on and it will run fine until it’s that certain time limit in a sense
Hi i just gonna ask if i can put the transmission of a civic vtir to a prelude they are same year 99 cheers
Hi Ian, thanks for commenting..
Your B series Hydro transmission can bolt to a H22 using a H2B kit, for more information check our H series swap guide here :
Thanks for chiming in!
Hey I have a question… my 1996 honda civic ex blew up the other day.. the motor was a d16y8 and I just put a new transmission in it.. I was wondering if the transmision to this would mount up to a b18a or even a b16a?
Hi Shay, thanks for commenting.
Sorry to hear your about your D series blowing up.. unfortunately your D series hydro transmission will not bolt up to a B series. Try selling it and put that toward your new swap. Thanks for chiming in!
Hola tengo un civic ek año 98 y deseo realizar un swap pero con serie h cual me recomendarian… hoy en dia ya lo tengo con un swap con motor d16a.. espero sus comentarios gracias
Hola Macarena, si usted tiene un 98 EK y desea intercambiar un H22 en su Cívico, visita nuestra Cómo instalar Guía H Series encuentra aquí:
Buena suerte con tu swap y gracias por comentar!
Hi I am trying to swap out a 1993 honda prelude with the 2.0 dohc with a crashed acura 1997 integrity. I have pulled the complete engind and transmission out of the juck acura and want to know it its able to put into the the 93 honda prelude. They both hace a hydraulic transmission clutch. And it looks like the exhaust is different but i have the complete acura to my disposal. Is it possible to do this. Thanks in advance,. Joseph Boscoe
Joseph, thanks for commenting.
This swap is pretty rare but yes, a B series can go into your 93 Prelude without much issue. You’ll need to make a decision to go OBDI or stay OBDII with your 97 Integra motor, although converting to OBDI to match your chassis may be the right way to go. For more info on that, check our guide here:
You may also get some use out of our ECU pinout section to help you with the wiring, but outside of the wiring everything else is pretty straightforward. Locate mounts, swap motor and transmission and then take the car to an exhaust shop. Let us know how your Prelude swap turns out! Thanks for commenting!
Hello Prostreet, I have a 97 acura cl 2.2 full crashed car. I was wondering if I swap the motor and trany in 97 acura integra. will i be facing any troubles?
Thanks in advance
Hi Rami, thanks for commenting.
Love the swap idea and the J series engine is a great starting platform for any honda swap idea. You will need custom mounts of course to swap the entire J series engine and transmission into your car. Your hood also may not close correctly depending on the mount kit you’re using. While you can always cut out the section of the hood that’s interfering, this will expose your J series engine to anyone looking at your car.
Also unless the CL is newer than your DC2, you won’t be able to smog or BAR your Honda swap.
If neither of these issues is a concern of yours, then no you will not experience any troubles swapping the 3 liter J series engine into your Integra.
Thanks for chiming in and let us know how your swap turns out!
Thanks for commenting back Prostreet.
First, may I say, I am not familiar with the terms ” smog and BAR” means.
Second, when you mentioned the need of custom mounts, that i should fabricate it my self or I can buy them, or may be there are honda/ acura mounts that may fit it?
third, how can I tell if my CL Is DC2?
Thanks Prostreet.
Rami, your Integra is a DC chassis, sorry to confuse you..
You can check out some of these mounts below :
Hasport – http://hasport.com/store/index.php/mounts/integra/dc/j-series-dc/egj2.html
Innovative – http://www.innovativemounts.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=80150
Also for more reading on smogging your Honda swap, making it legal or BAR legalizing it, check out our primer here:
I got a built gsr in my 98 civic the transmission grinds unless I double clutch it and it has a stage 4 clutch in it what’s going on ? ????
Hi Martin, thanks for commenting.
If your B series Hydro transmission is grinding gears and doesn’t seem to be disengaging the clutch fully, and you have to depress the clutch multiple times, it sounds like a hydraulic issue.
Bleed your master and slave fully. Make sure your clutch fork ( the one holding your throwout bearing ) is not bent. Have you also adjusted your clutch pedal? where is it engaging? right off the floor? all the way at the top?
Hi my name is Carlos, I own a 98 civic Dx 1.6 fuel injection and I’m tryin to swap it to a 95 honda civic 1.6 vtec and i was wonder what all i need to change on the car anyone that would know i would really appreciate it thanks…
Hi Carlos, thanks for chiming in.
If you are swapping a OBDI engine into your OBDII, you’ve got a couple of things to consider.
1. do you need your Honda swap to be legal?
2. are you going to be chipping or modifying your Honda ECU.
If you don’t care about swap legality, smog or BAR issues, simply convert your ECU to use a OBD1 engine, like a P28 or similar ECU that’s chippable. You can use a flying loom to convert your ECU plugs to accept OBD1, from a OBDIIA or B.
This way you don’t have to deal with knock sensor / crankangle position sensor and more for your OBDI engine to operate on a OBDII ECU. You will of course need to wire VTEC, for a guideline and what parts you need to go to a D16Z6 and make the VTEC work. We also have mini-me guidelines since it sounds like you are keeping the SOHC alive.
Check out that link, or just read what that DIY guide has to say about how to swap a SOHC VTEC engine into your DX : “1996-2000 Honda Civic DX, CX and LX – These non VTEC models will require the standard VTEC input and outputs. Wire up your pressure switch and VTEC solenoid when swapping your D16Y8. If you are keeping the P2P ECU and want to use that in your Honda Swap, it’s important to note that you cannot mix OBD2A and OBD2B harnesses.
Because of this reason, you’ll need to take extra care not to get stuck with the wrong engine harness or dash harness. Also make sure to identify what your Honda VTEC swap is, OBD2A or OBD2B, as all the wiring will be different at the ECU terminals.
You will also need to extend or lengthen your oxygen sensor wire, as this will move it primarily from the front header to the B pipe header outlet.”
I was wondering if you can put a 2005 honda accord transmission into a 2001 honda accord? 4 cylinder. Thank you so much.
Hi Carly, thanks for commenting.
Unfortunately that’s a swap that’s not going to work as the 4 cylinder engine from the 2001 to the 2005 are very different. Thanks for commenting!
I am trying to find out if a k24a4 out of an 05 accord will fit in an 06 accord with a k24a5? I have a wrecked 05 and am thinking about buying the 06 with a blown motor to swap into. Im taking a shot in the dark assuming nothing major has changed for the year. Any help would be appreciated. Also, not sure if its just me but this link isn’t working
Thanks, Michael
Hi Michael, thanks for commenting.
Your swap should be straightforward so long as you have a manual transmission, if it’s automatic that could complicate things. It’s essentially the same motor, but for ease you’ll want to transfer the k24a4 intake manifold and throttle body to minimize the drive by wire nonsense.
We’ve fixed the link, please let us know if anything else doesn’t work for you. Let us know how the swap turns out.
Thanks for the quick reply! The swap would be auto tranny to auto tranny. I was thinking i got lucky but if its going to be to ridiculous ill try and keep an eye out. Any good ideas to do with the k24a4 if not?
There’s a big market for that engine, especially for people who want to make it a Frankenstein by using a K20 head. So there’s always that just in case.
Even if it’s an auto it should be straightforward as the engine really isn’t any different. The obvious differences you want to look out for are starter or flex plate. Looking up the Acura part numbers to see if both years match could shed some light on the situation.
Best of luck!
Pro street !!I recently purchased a 1995 civic eg .. i bought with a D16Y7 swap .. jn the future I wuld like make my car faster .. so basically I wanted to ask what you guys thought on what the best swap would be .. or keep the single cam and work up from there … i was thinking a b18c5 but honestly that’s pretty pricy .. I mean as the potential 200 hp I could get from that engine I feel like I could invest on a smaller engine like the b16 then boost that with the difference of the price of the engines which is about 1000 dollar difference … as u guys can tell I’m a nooby to the Honda scene … I’m just looking for some advice to help me boost the car … thanks in advance
Hi Jesus, thanks for commenting.
The sky is the limit with your EG and the possible swaps into your car. If you are looking to keep a budget, try a B16 or LS VTEC build. For a guide on how to build a reliable LS VTEC, check here :
LS VTEC is perfect for boost and budget as it allows you to build from the start. The only drawback to this is that you must plan your mods correctly from the beginning.
200 whp is more than attainable with the right setup, or you could opt for something like a H series swap with a H2B adapter plate :
If you want something that isn’t quite as common, a J series swap is also something to think about. Keep an eye out for our Project J-EK where we swap a 3.5 liter J series into a 1996 Civic Hatchback.
Wow thanks a bunch. Your reply has enlightened me ! I appreciate the fast feed back!
Well a stage one racing clutch go into a stock tranny in a 1995 acura integra gsr
Troy, thanks for reading.
A stage 1 would be great for your stock GSR and transmission combination. Try Exedy 08800B for the win!
Thanks for commenting!
So if I swap a b18 into my 94 vx I could get it to pass smog legally here in so cal? Or are there mods I can do to my vx to make it a little stronger and still pass smog like a head swap or raising the compression a little and running 91
Hey Jeff, thanks for reading.
100% yes this is one of our personal favorite combinations, the VX and a B18 swap which is easier than you think. Check out our BAR legal or how to pass smog with your Honda swap guide here:
Make sure you also are aware of the limitations regarding smog bill AB2289 here :
In the end, with proper planning the weight savings your VX provides as well as a nicely built GSR or LS will go a long way while staying 100% 50 state legal. You won’t be able to do some more unique swaps, like a LS VTEC or CRVTEC but to be legal here in CA, that’s the price we pay.
Let us know how your swap turns out! Thanks for commenting.
You guys are insainly awesome thank you for sharing your expertise
No problem Jeff, best of luck with your swap!
So a b18c1 or b18c5 are my 2 best bets for easy powerful swap I think the b18c1 shouldn’t be hard to find we have some pretty good pick a parts around here in the Inland empire
We would recommend the gsr engine over the Type R. The money you’ll save will go a long way in other mods. And yes, you definitely live in the right area to find engines, should have no problem whatsoever. Let us know how it turns out!
I got a 96 civic and trying to decide between a mini me D16 or ls. I want vtec though what do u guys recommend?
Hi SOHCNinja, thanks for reading and nice name!
If budget is an issue, the mini me swap is a great choice although for just a few more dollars a LS or LS VTEC swap would also work wonders in a lightweight chassis such as yours. Check out our guide on building a reliable LS VTEC here.
Thanks for commenting!
Hey I have a question. How hard would it be to swap an engine into a 94 Civic VX? I was doing a little research and I saw that in Japan they would put B16A2/A3 of the same generation into an Si. My goal is affordable, effortless swap (since I don’t know much about Hondas), and to beat friends stock 0 – 60 9sec Kia Spectra GSX. I will also force induct at some point. Not by much, I’m not trying to squeeze HP. I want a stock, reliable, gas pump, fuel economic, fast car. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Website, places, brands anything of that sort would help. Like I said I k of nothing and is willing to learn.
Hi Manuel, thanks for reading.
Yes the VX is a great platform to work from, because it’s already wired for VTEC and the VX is one of the lightest Civics ever built.
A good budget swap could start as a non VTEC LS engine. This engine is found in the 1994-2000 Acura Integra and has a few versions that you could use from a 90-93 as well. While it’s non VTEC, it will provide a great increase in torque and is pretty cheap.
Saving your money and planning correctly, you could also swap a VTEC head onto this engine. This is called a LS VTEC swap, and it’s combining the cheap cost of the non VTEC shortblock with the VTEC cylinder head from a GSR Integra.
Check our guide on How To Build a reliable LS VTEC here : http://my.prostreetonline.com/2015/01/29/build-reliable-ls-vtec/
The result is a low cost version of a GSR engine that would be a tough combination to beat in your lightweight hatchback.
Here’s some more reading for you as well :
Hope that helps, let us know how your project turns out!
Will this LS/VTEC be trustworthy platform for forced induction? I can tell you are getting a concept of what i want, a good base engine that is easily upgrade able. Do you have any information on that? Like i said before reliable, pump gas, and fast. I’m not looking for some crazy set up, just something to eat my friends Kia with and maybe some other V6s out their. Thank you for replying and giving me some of the previous information i’m really getting an understanding on what to do and where to go!
Manuel, no problem! that’s what we are here for! And yes the LS/VTEC is a great option for forced induction. We’re big fans of turbo VTEC and you’d be eating quite a bit more than V6’s with the right budget setup.
Keep an eye out for our Budget Turbo Honda Project where we turbo a D16 SOHC using a used 4G63 Mitsubishi Eclipse turbo, and injectors.
Hello Prostreet, my name is Joe and I have a simple question. I have a 90 Integra automatic with a b18, a guy has a 94 civic and wants to buy my engine and tranny but he needs to know if it will fit ? I don’t have a clue but hope you do, I willbe aawaiting your response. Thanks in advance !
Hi clueless, thanks for reading.
Yes your engine can be swapped into the 94, but the swap isn’t quite as easy as the traditional 92-00 DOHC B series engines. The auto transmission is also going to be tough to get working in the 94, but the engine will work fine.
Hope that helps! Thanks for commenting
Thanks for the quick reply, can you tell me a bit more about the tranny installation ? What kind of work should be done to swap ?
The transmission swap is probably going to be more trouble than it’s worth in all reality. Your friend can pick up a hydro transmission with shifter rods attached for around 200-300 dollars, that’s the way we’d go.
Thanks, last question and I hope I’m not abusing. So he will only be swapping automatic to automatic even then it might not be worth it ?
no problem clueless.. no abuse here… 🙂
no, he’d be switching to a manual transmission, if he wants to retain an automatic, it’s going to be a complicated swap.
Because your friend owns a newer model Honda, you’d have to swap over the transmission ECU and a host of other sensors. This is a nightmare.. Instead if he switched to a manual trans, it would make things much much easier.
Hope that helps!
Prostreet, thank you so much for taking the time to answer all of our questions. You guys are great, your help and advice is extremely appreciated ! Thank you ! -Clueless
what ECU is used in the 1988 Honda accord LXI A20a3, I am using ECU Y-1 37820-PJO-668 KA-KC. The motor was swapped in to a 1979 Accord for 14 mile racing. my problem is, I have a continual gas problem. it seems that the gas stop flowing to the motor after about 5 min. if you let the motor cool down for about15 to 20 min.. the car starts again. what is going on???????????
Hi Gino, in your 88 the main relay will be quite different, but I would start there.. Try checking for clicking under your dash or around your ECU with the KEY set to the ON position
If that doesn’t lead anywhere, drive your vehicle until the car stops again. Once it stops, get out and check your fuel injectors and your fuel pressure :
Let us know how it turns out! Thanks for commenting Gino
Thanks for the tips will get back to you after trying all that you have stated
When swapping a gsr into a civic Vx you guys say u don’t need to change much. Are the vtec wiring the same as the e-vtec system?
Hi Jim, thanks for reading..
Yes your VTEC system is the same as the gsr you’ll be swapping in. The changes regarding a Civic VX have to do with the oxygen sensor conversion. Check here for more information on how to get this part of your Honda swap done right.
The guide above is required if want to convert your engine harness / your 02 harness correctly.
Thanks for commenting! Let us know how the swap turns out
I have a 99 civic ex with the d16y8 I read a forum that said this is a vtec motor is this true and what is an easy way to make more power on this motor without switching to a dohc motor thanks
Hi Macballin, thanks for reading.
Yes you are right, the D16Y8 is a VTEC engine. Easy way to make more power? I’d break it down into a few stages to make it easy.
1. Intake, exhaust, headers
2. VTEC controller, fuel computer or cam gears
3. Mini me engine swap – swapping another head onto your D16y8 to increase compression
4. Turbocharge your Honda
Try searching around our site, or browsing http://www.prostreetonline.com for some modification ideas. Thanks for commenting and let us know how your project turns out!
I have an engine from an acura 1998 and thinking about installing it into a 1990 Honda Accord….. Please give your opinions??
Hi Rick, thanks for reading.
You are talking about going backwards in OBD compatibility, which could be difficult depending on what you have planned.
I would suggest picking out a OBDI ECU, ditching the Crankshaft position sensor in your 98, converting it to OBD1 and then installing a OBD1 harness into your 90.
Here’s a guide on going from OBDII to OBDI :
and here’s the OBD0 to OBDI if you want to go in the other direction, but this method is much much more difficult.
Sounds like a great project, let us know how it turns out.
I have a 1992 honda civic si hatchback with either a 96 or 98 gsr motor how do i find out for about what direction to go in with it
Hi Brandon, great swap you’ve got there. There’s a lot of options available to you, from the basic bolt on specials like header, intake or the like. If you haven’t already take a look at a VTEC controller, something like the Buddy club VCON controller or the Apexi VAFC.
If you want more power for your hatch, try taking a look into the turbo manifolds we carry. You can build your own turbo kit for pretty cheap and if you pick out the right parts and do the work right, it can really be rewarding.
Let us know how it turns out! Thanks for commenting
Hi i got a 1992 Honda Accord (Automatic) what engine swap if posible could i do , it has a F22A6 engine
Hi Edgar, thanks for reading.
The obvious choice would be a H22 DOHC engine swap, because this is the easiest and best way to swap your SOHC for a DOHC unit. Take a look at our guide here :
Thanks for commenting!
hi i have a 92 acura integra gs-r….well they swapped the engine to a b20b i notice a couple issues off that bat…the driver side motor mount is to a civic so its way to small an short so they cut the motor mount hole more closer to the motor off the frame where you would place the motor mount it self….so if i replace the bracket to a 3 hole bracket will it give me any problems an what motor mounts is best for my car. 3 hole or 2
i aslo have an issue of the drive side axel snapping when ever i make a right turn
Roger, sounds like you might have a problem here.
If you are using a stock Civic mount and had to modify it, you will definitely have issues, especially with your axles. Try ditching your mounts now, and simply use the integra mounts as listed in our guide here… Should take care of a bunch of problems right off the bat.
Let us know how it turns out!
will a b18 2 bolt bracket with a 3 hole attachment for the motor mount work fine even if they cut open the frame hole more t words the engine
By frame hole Roger, I am assuming you mean the front of the engine or the driver side? The 2 bolt bracket will not line up properly if the front of the engine is sucked in toward your frame rail or towards the driver side more than the passenger side. Hope that answers your question, please let us know how it turns out!
Damn this is easily the best guide to swapping a Honda engine on the Internet. Many thanks Prostreet
Sam, thanks for reading and thank you for the kind words! We try our best!
Alright i have a 1992 honda civic si and a b18c1 engine what all do i need to swap do i need the 5 speed gsr tranny please let me know wanna get all parts together and do at one time well you know
Brandon, thanks for reading.
Take a look at our guide above to see the mounts you need. Because your SI is already wired for VTEC, that’s half the battle. You will need the linkage and mounts listed above for your EG, and if you need a guide on troubleshooting VTEC, check here :
as well as :
Let us know how it turns out and thanks for commenting!
I have JDM/EDM 1996 CD3 Honda Accord sedan with F18B1 auto tranny non-vtec motor, i want to upgrade the motor what are the best alternatives?
Hello Mallick, very unique swap you have there.
As far as the F18 is concerned, we’d be lying if we told you we’ve ever seen one. However the basics still apply to your non-VTEC engine. You want to move as much air through your engine as efficiently as possible to generate as much horsepower and to be as efficient as possible. Take a look at some intakes or exhaust systems for your vehicle, our online shop is of course http://www.prostreetonline.com
Thanks for commenting and let us know how your project turns out!
TKS Prostreetonline…the motor is still powerful(compression is above 160 in 4 cylinders) the problem is car is damn slow in pickup. tried everything but no success, what intake you suggest specifically? I have K&N intake in my 1.8L 2006 civic, will that work and improves the performance if i give it a try?
Mallick, an improved intake and exhaust system will go a long way to untapping your Honda engine potential. Give those mods a try and let us know how your project is going!
I own a 93 Accord LX wagon(2.2 L engine) and would like to swap in a 2.3 L engine from my 2000 Accord LX sedan? Can this be done and how much modification is needed, also can I swap the transaxle? I prefer the 93 with its inefficient engine and hope I can swap in the 00 engine which is both more efficient & has power too. thanks, Paul in Ventura
Hi Paul, thanks for reading.
Swapping from your 2000 Accord F23 into your 1993 Accord can be done, but this will require custom motor mounts to get things lined up properly. If you live in California and care about smog, this swap will not qualify as you will need a lot more than just the mounts, linkage and ECU to make it BAR legal.
Either way the rear bracket will have to change, because the T bracket on the 2000 Accord sits the F23 further back in the engine bay and towards the firewall. Are you trying to retain the transmission in your swap as well?
Let us know how the project turns out and thanks for commenting!
Hey, I want to go with a b18c1 bottom on my 00 Si and keeping the b16A2 supercharged head (Jackson racing). Unfortunately I don’t have the p72 crankshaft but I do have the b16A2 and a b20z crankshaft as well but I don’t know which one will help and/or fit best. I’m looking to gain torque and hp. Which crankshaft would work best in this set up, I have all 3 b16, b18, and b20 connecting rods. Which rods will compensate with this set up?
Hey EM1_JZA80, cool name by the way.
If you are going to be building your setup, it’s best to use a calculator to determine the compression ratio you will be running. Before you do that however, it may be a good idea to have your crank checked and shortblock to ensure that you won’t need a line hone job.
Outside of that however, we’d recommend a combination of the B20 crankshaft with upgraded b20 rods or shotpeened B20 rods with ARP rod bolts. For more on building the ultimate reliable LS VTEC setup, check here.
Let us know how it turns out!
Hi, I have a 1996 DB6 Integra sedan with a 1.6 SOHC ZC and auto trans. My long term plans for the car are to swap the ZC for a B18C and the transmission and running gear from a Type R, effectively making it a four door Type R. Is this possible? How easy will the swap be? And how much of the driveline and axles etc. will I need to replace in order for it to work?
Julian Nelson
Swapping the ZC into a Type R is definitely a first and very unique, however if you intend to keep the Type R transmission, there’s a lot of other cheaper alternatives that can get you there, like the B16 transmission. Both are short geared and meant to maximize all motor performance.
It won’t be an easy swap, if only because there’s not going to be a lot of information on this kind of swap. Most ZC guys are upgrading from SOHC units, not the other way around.
Let us know how it turns out, we’d love to see some pics of the project.
i have a 94 civic dx coupe and am planning to do an engine swap soon.. I read something on here about clutch conversion from hydraulic to cable. I really just need more indo on the whole swap.im hoping to use a b16 vtec or b18 from an integra (all OBD1).
Hi angel thanks for reading, the hydro to cable ( or vice versa ) kit is available from HASPORT or many other dealers. It will depend on a variety of things, like your transmission and engine of choice.
If you need more guidance on that issue, let us know which ones in particular you are looking at.
hi guys, im completely new to Hondas and everything im about to do so a lot of help is what I need! I had bought a used 95 civic ex coupe that I instantly fell in love with. unfortunately the chick that pulled out in front of me didn’t! I managed to save most of my front end but insuance totaled me out. with the money I bought a bad ass 91 accord. I really want my civic not the accord, so im wondering is it possible, i.e. financially feasible to take the accords f22a4 engine in that accord and drop it into the the civics d16z6 slot? the civic is a auto, the accord a manual. what kind of issues might I be running into? do I have to swap tranny too?
any and all advise would would help. I have a country mechanic/friend that says he can do it for 700.00, is he full of it? new to Honda and an idiot please help!
Hi smw, thanks for reading
You have a lot of different options when it comes to your EG, but if you want 2.2 liters of SOHC power, it’s probably a better idea to sell your 91 and use those funds to build what you what.
There’s of course the DOHC B series but if you really want 2.2 liters try a H22 with a H2B conversion. This is a very popular swap that’s continuing to grow as a trend because of the B series gears being shorter and more aftermarket choices for the transmission and clutch / flywheel.
H seiries
Try taking a look at these articles for some guidance or some ideas, best of luck to you on your project and let us know how it turns out!
Thanks for commenting, happy swapping!
I will also need to know what other cars I could find these engines or other engine like any other b series if they would be an easier easy swap. I am getting everything I need from a local car yard/junk yard…..there are ALOT of cars. I really just want a faster and stronger car (that I could race with if I wanted to) and Im also planning on forced induction in the future.
The 94-01 Integra would be the obvious choice, making it an easy Honda engine swap. Something like the G23 frankenstein Honda swap might be the best budget Honda engine swap for people who have the expertise.
If smog or BAR Is concern to you, then your choices are limited. If you are lucky enough to live in a state not as strict however, the sky is the limit. CR-V’s would be great for a 2.0 CRVTEC build or something like Odysseys and that year range of V6 like the CL, TL, RL, etc will get you an interesting swap engine in the J30 or J35.
Sounds like a great start to your project, let us know how it turns out and thanks for commenting
Thanks for all the help so far. Ok I think I’ve decided on a B16A3 engine that comes out of an OBD1 del sol that way I wont have to deal with the clutch conversion at all(correct me if im wrong please).I Also know I will have to add a couple wires to my harness for the vtec or would it be easier just to carry over the whole wiring harness from other car? Do you know of any other cars that engine comes in? Also any input about this engine or the swap would be very helpful. DO u think I would have to carry over the front axles to or could I keep the civics?
yes a OBDI B16 is perfect for your swap, in fact there’s only a few mounts you’ll need to bolt it in.
Check your shock tower harness and refer to our VTEC guides located here :
and this article wouldn’t hurt either :
the axles you need are in this guide here, simply scroll up to see what parts you need. It isn’t much and the B16 swap is a great choice for your Civic.
Let us know how it turns out!
does anyone have a list of cars a b16a3 engine is found in as well as the other b16 engines?And prostreet are all the b16’s hydro tranies or is it only the A3 model….ive done ALOT of research on this topic and have read a lot you guys forums on here also.
Just bought a 96 accord 2.2 manual coupe, strong engine but it needs a trans… : ( What other Honda’s or JDM cars have a compatible trans? Thnx for any help!
Hi Nicole, thank you for reading.
Thank you for asking actually, we have a upcoming article on How To Swap a JDM transmission on a SOHC F series Honda Accord, which would be the same as your vehicle.
This transmission is easily sourced from Japanese engine importers, who can deliver to your doorstep for a fixed price. The cost for these low mileage transmissions can be very cheap compared to a new unit or rebuilt one here in the US.
However there are a few things you will need to transfer over from your USDM Accord transmission, least of all your shift solenoids and transmission switch. If these parts on your current transmission are bad, going the JDM transmission route is probably a unwise choice.
Because you’ll need to buy new Honda units, these can be expensive. Keep an eye out for our How To, which will show you where these parts are and how to change them along with part number.
Check some of these guides on how to determine if your current transmission parts are good enough to transfer to a possible JDM donor.
Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!
Hey I have a 1991 integra and just bought a 1997 b18b(jdm) motor. I’ve been told that it’s pretty straight forward and ll I would have to change over from my 91 motor to my 97 is my injectors, alternator, distributor, and ecu with my original harness. Is this true? He said the only think that should be new is my knock sensor, and that it shouldn’t be a problem because my obd0 ecu doesn’t look for it? Im in DEAPERATE need of professional assistance and I hope you can help. Thanks. -Daniel
Hi Daniel, thanks for reading.
Swapping that 97 into your car is easy to do, you can use the guide on this page to show you what axles, ecu and honda swap mounts to use to get this done.
However if you are going backwards in compatibility, you are better off going from OBD0 to OBDI with a chipped P28 ECU.
Here is how to chip your ECU :
Here is how to identify your ECU :
Next you will need to convert the OBD2 distributor to OBD1 or just replace it. This will allow you to get the car started.
Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!
Can i use any year part for my b18c1 i dont know what year it is i have a 92 honda si hb that it is in
Hi Brandon, thanks for reading.
If you have a 92, you are OBDI and you are best served by sticking to OBDI. You can swap over any B18C1 of course, but if you want an easy Honda engine swap, pick a OBDI B18C1 for a true plug and play honda swap.
If not, you can use the guides above to convert the OBDII B18C1 to match your OBDI wiring harness.
Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!
i have a 94 acura integra i finished my ls vote swap but am having trouble with my wiring harness i was told i could use a harness from a 92 integra but i got one and it doesn’t match up, can you tell me how to wire it up to make it work or what cars could i use a harness from. I have an obd1 GSR LS VTEC.
Hi andrew, thanks for reading.
Could you tell me what plugs aren’t matching? what year range is the engine you swapped in? Was it a OBD2 engine? if so the dizzy plugs will not match up along with the alternator and some other details.
Check here to convert your plug if you need to :
Or let us know what plugs dont match and we could try and help you out. Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!
Hi I want to ask if my b20 non VTEC engine could use a p28 chipped ecu? I also got the GRS transmission
Hi Eduardo, you can and it’s perfect for a VTEC head swap later. Check out :
Thanks for commenting!
hello pro street. i have an 1992 EG SI with a sohc stock and i want to swap a B16a2 dohc. will this pass smog and bar? will this scenario also work with a B18c1?
Whats going on Dennis, thank you for reading.
great question! for a guide on how to smog or BAR legalize your Honda engine swap, try taking a look here at our engine swap guide :
so long as you swap over all the smog equipment and the engine is a newer one than your 92, you are in great shape! Check out our guide for more details.
Thanks for commenting, let us know how it turns out!
Dig the site, articles & all the info,thanks. Well now here’s my question. I have a 95 accord ex V-tec and interested in doing a swap myself. Now I read getting a h22 motor of the same year is the easiest way, a plug-n-play. But how much harder would it be to swap a Euro R motor & tranny in it? Are they compatible?Would a certain year of the Euro R be any easier? Would anything need to be fabricated in order to complete the swap? Any information and advice regarding my swap would be very much appreciated. Thank you
Hi Robert, thanks for the read and kind words, we try our best!
Sounds like a great project there, and no you shouldn’t need anything different to bolt in the H22 from a Euro R. As far as the shifter is concerned however, you will probably want the shifter base from an actual Euro R to ensure that your cable lengths will work correctly and that you won’t have any problems shifting into any of your gears.
Definitely sounds awesome, let us know how it turns out! Thanks for commenting!
Q: will a 1990 honda accord transmission fit on a 91 honda c-rv motor
Hi Ruben thanks for reading!
Your Accord is a CB chassis with the sohc F series and I’m assuming you mean 91 CRX motor in which case no it would not fit.
please let us know if you have any other questions. Thank you for commenting!
I have a 99 Civic lx with a blown engine, and I wanted to know what would be a good adorable swap. Not trying build a monster but I want a little more hp than the original engine had to offer.
Hi Trail thanks for reading.
a perfect swap would be the b16 which is pretty cheap or even a LS VTEC. both can be done between 1000-1500 depending.
Try these articles :
Thanks for commenting, let us know how it turns out!
can i put 2.2 from honda civic in 1990 honda prelude
Hi Nitter, thanks for reading.
what engine are you talking about that’s found in a civic? Sorry could you rephrase your question? There’s no 2.2 liter in the Civic stock.
the civc is 2001
If you mean the 1.7 liter D17 yes this can fit into a 1990 honda, but there’s going to be quite a few challenges because you’ll be swapping engines across 11 years.
You also wont get much upgrade from the SOHC 1.7 compared to the 1.5 or 1.6 in your Civic now. Instead try looking at a B16 swap for your 1990 Civic.
thanks for commenting!
Hello I have a 1997 ek civic with a swap b16 what axcel fit
Hi elborry18, the answer is on this page but I’ve cut and paste it for you. If you want to build a B16 EK, you need :
Axles: Much like the EG chassis, any Integra axles from 1990-2001 will fit, as well as the Del Sol and Honda Civics (1994-1997 and 1999-2000 respectively). As with the B16 if you opt for the 1990-1993 Integra axles you will need a change at the intermediate shaft.
Thanks for commenting!
Thankz. I have another question what can I do for more horsepower and what computer can I upgrade for
Hey I have a question! I bought a 1992 integra shell.. It came with a 5 speed tranny . pretty much evetything except the motor.. The owners cousin sold me a JDM b18b .. I’m currently looking for a clutch.. Should I buy one to fit the 92 tranny or the 96 motor? Also.. Will the tranny fit into the motor??
Hi Fernando, thanks for reading!
Is your JDM B18B a OBDI or OBDII? What linkage do you have or are you starting from scratch? Let us know and we can help you further!
Its from a 1996 integra so obd2… I have obd1 wireing harness.. Tranny..etc, etc.. I just wanna know if the 1992 tranny will fit the 1996 motor. I know everything else will due to other people responses but I’m not 100% sure if they will even bolt up
Hey Fernando, do you have the transmission code on your tranny you could read off to us? Its a cable correct?
Hey , I own a 99 accord coupe ex , want to take out the f23a and swap it , and make it manual shift , what do you recommend. Thanks
Hi Doug, try checking out our Ten Best Honda Swaps here :
The G23 is listed there and that’s a great budget build for anyone with the patience to build it. 240+ wheel horsepower all motor is great fun in your Accord. Check it out.
Thanks for commenting!
Thanks for the advice, definitely doing g23 , thanks again
No problem Doug! Let us know how it turns out!
Hi Doug so sorry, but this is the real link :
sorry about that!
Hi i have a 2012 honda accord 4 cylinder, i was wondering if i can put in a j37a4 engine in it that they put in accura tls
Hi Brandon, thanks for reading.
The J37 is a swap you can do in your car but it will require changing lots of moving parts including your motor mounts. Although the V6 is found in your Accord, the engine mounts and engine bay are very different in your 4 cylinder. If you have a K series, try swapping a manual transmission and make sure that you get the right speed sensor that matches your chassis.
A K20Z head swap will increase compression and will require you to tune and use premium gasoline, but it will be worth it! Thanks for commenting!
my camshaft snapped at the cam, So I’m getting a new motor and tranny i have a 97 Honda Civic EX with a D16Y8 motor and tranny, Does it match a new D16Y8 motor and tranny? Becuz i keep reading something about a 6th dig VIN and 8th dig VIN
Hi Bobby, thanks for reading.
Is your car an automatic? If so there may be differences in the automatic ecu transmission but if it’s a manual you are good to go!
Let us know how it turns out! Thanks for commenting!
Hi I’m from ark o got a b16a that come out ta of a 94 delso with cable tranny and recently bought a 90 integra GS with automatic 1.8 non VTEC pretty much I think I got everything to do swap but not sure quite what to do
I also have a p28 ecu chipped with a mugen chip
Hi Jason, thanks for reading.
Did you say you are from ARK Performance? If so you can always give us a call to ask your questions, we are dealers!
I think you are asking how to swap a B16 into your G2 Integra is that it? The second generation Integra isn’t quite as popular as the 94-01 but engine swaps are still very much doable. For a OBDI B16 into your DA Integra, check the charts above for axle fitment and mounts.
The thing is I have a 1990 HB with a b16a vtec with a chipped mugen ecu p28 ps3-2 head cable trans with six puck stage 2 clutch and pressure plate. The harness is shot .. I bought a 1990 acura integra GS with 1.8 l non vtec wanna put b16a VTEC head on the acura block the hatch has had a 94 acura front end conversion I have all the axels everything just need to now what’s to do about the engine conversion
Great article!
my situation: i have a 98 civic ex coupe with a d16y8 and automatic transmission. i am purchasing a gsr motor and tranny (yes a gsr MANUAL transmission). the person i am buying the motor/tranny from currently has it installed in a 2000 civic ex coupe. everything is pretty much getting thrown in with the purchase: axles, harness, ecu, clutch slave, clutch master, hoses, all mounting brackets, etc. so my question is this: what do i have to do for the electrical changes i’m gonna have to make for the reverse light, the park/key lock issue in the ignition, and any other issue i may have that i am not aware about that you might foresee.
Hi Sk8 Or Die, thanks for reading
This is a common question, and one that’s answered in our upcoming Honda Civic How to Convert to Manual transmission article but to make it short and sweet, you need :
modify your ignition switch cable, so that your Honda believes the transmission is in park.
Loop your AOD gear selector, to make the car think it’s in PARK to release the key
Wire up your reverse lights
Cap your radiator transmission ports
Let us know how it turns out! Thanks for commenting!
thanks! seems simple enough, but, modify my ignition switch cable? got any more info on this modification?
thanks again in advance!!
I have a 98 honda civic lx all stock was wondering whats the most cost effective swap thatll give me the most HP?
Hi Tyrell, thanks for reading.
The question ” What is the best Honda Swap?” is pretty common. So common in fact we made a list and asked our community to vote on it. Check it out here:
Check it out and see what you think! See more Honda Swap reading here as well :
Thanks for commenting!
Hello i’m wanting to swap my 5 speed manual transmission in my 1994 honda civic coupe and was wondering if i could put in a 5 speed automatic transmission instead for my wife to have a car to drive please let me know what all i’d have to swap if possible
Hi Daniel, in order to convert from manual to automatic, you’ll need a lot more than just the flexplate, transmission and torque converter. The transmission ECU, engine harness and more must be swapped as well.
Instead try selling your manual transmission equipped car and buy a automatic. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and headache.
Got 97 civic 1.6 non vt,will 95 motor fit?
Hi I wonder if there’s a possibility to swap a K20A engine inside 8th Gen Civic 4doors which is a 4 cyl 1.8L?
Hi Nick! Thanks for commenting!
Yep! this swap is completely doable but you’ll face some challenges when it comes to your R18 motor mounts. Swapping a K series into a Civic is completely doable however.. Check out this link for more information!
THanks for sharing and let us know how it turns out!
I drive a 2008 Civic DX-G and I wonder if a K20A might fit inside my engine bay ?
Hi Nick, thanks for reading.
This swap is possible but it’s not common quite yet. It’s a bit of a cramped swap, as the FIT is when you are putting in a K series. We aren’t quite sure of any off the shelf motor swap kits quite yet, but someone will make some soon.
Thanks for commenting!
I have a 1992 accord coupe 5 speed 2.2l can I swap a b18 vtec in it and what do I have to do if possible
Hi Andrew, yes the GSR engine is a good swap to go into your CB. Unfortunately you will need an aftermarket motor mount kit to do this.
Try referencing our article below for more information :
Thanks for commenting!
I have a 92 accord coupe 2.2l 5 speed can I swap a b18 in it and what needs to be done
I have a 1994 acura integra L’s automatic and looking for best motor swap and power
Hi Tevin, thanks for reading.. here’s a good writeup on the Top Ten Honda swaps you should check out :
and our complete listing here :
Thanks for commenting!
Hey can I put a k series mounts into a 91 Honda Accord
Hi Sara, thanks for reading.
Yes you can put a K series in a 91 Accord, but will need aftermarket mounts.. for some inspiration try this page :
Thanks for commenting!
i have 03 accord with blown 2.4L engine, can i swap with k24a2 acura engine?
Hi Eti, thanks for reading.
yes you can but when you are swapping a K series from another vehicle into yours, it’s important to stay in the same year range as to prevent speedometer output signals from your K24.
Thanks for commenting, let us know how it turns out!
Hi I have a question ..I have a 2001 honda accord w/auto trans thats slipping can I use a motor n tranny from 1997 acura cl 2.2 vtec?
Hey Teeo, thanks for reading.
quick question, what engine is in your 2001 Honda Accord?
It’s 2.3l
Can I use a tranny from 1997 acura cl 2.2vtec auto into 2001 honda accord 2.3 vtec auo..
I need some help, I’m not the smartest car guy. Actually I’m not even really a car guy so make sure to speak in the simplest terms you can thank you!
I have a 1997 Honda Del sol, it is a stock four-cylinder engine. I also have a 2000 Honda accord with a four-cylinder VTEC engine. I’m wanting to sell the Honda accord, if you guys think it would be a fairly simple and straightforward process to take the accords engine out and put it in the Del sol because I has fewer miles then I would do that instead of selling as is.
Any help is much appreciated, thanks a lot guys!
Hi Nighthawk, thanks for reading.
Okay you have a 97 Del Sol with a SOHC D series engine, and you want to install the F series SOHC from your 2000 Accord. This is definitely doable, and for a good guide check our H series swap guide which is found here :
Let us know how it turns out, and if you have any questions at all we’ll be happy to help! Thanks for commenting!
Would a p2p ecu work on a ls vtec
Hi Jonathan, thanks for reading.
The P2P would only make sense for the automatic transmission equipped EK Civic and to get it to work on a LS / VTEC it would require way too much work. Instead your best bet would be a chipped P28 or P72. Try some of these articles for more info!
Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!
I have a 99 civic ex my d16y8 blew up is there anyother motor that i can put in without changing wires and mounts someone told me a y7 but mine is vtec
Hey Jake, for a swap that won’t require any modification I would stick to y8 or even z5 for your D16 engine swap. Let us know how it turns out! Thanks for commenting!
will a 97 integra motor just swap into a 94? the 94 has 300k miles and i want to put in a 138k mile 97, is it just straight up plug and play? thanks
Hi Tyler, from a 97 OBDII engine to a OBDI this will work just fine, just leave out the crankshaft position sensor, as the OBDI engine harness won’t have this hookup.
The only thing you might have to overcome is the OBDII to OBDI distributor change, which is covered here :
Let us know how it turns out!
I have a 1992 Honda accord lx 2.2 engine size trying to replace the manual transmission .My question is will a 1993 honda accord dx 2.2 engine size, will the manual transmission from this car work on my 1992 Honda accord lx?
Hi Orlando! thanks for commenting!
From a 1992 Accord DX 2.2 SOHC manual to a 1992 LX engine, you will be just fine! Let us know how it turns out!
Hey man, I just bought a 97 integra about a month ago, with a b20b4 swap out of a crv and the engine mount on the passenger’s side is gone. I was wondering if I could use one outta of another integra or would I need one out of a crv? I’m not 100% sure. Any help would be appreciated
Hi David, this will depend on what mounts you are using. If you are using a combination of OEM Honda motor mounts, use the CRV passenger mount. If you are using aftermarket units however, this will cause problems.
Do you know what mounts you are rocking? Let us know and we’ll try to help!
Thank you for commenting!
Hey man, i just bought a 97 integra about a month ago, with a b20b4 out of a crv and the motor mount is gone on the passenger’s side. I was wondering if one out of a integra will fit or do I need one from a crv? Not 100% sure. And help would be appreciated.
Hi David! Thanks for commenting.
If you are using stock or factory B mounts, then yes! the front engine mount / timing belt side is the same!
let us know how it turns out!
I have a 02 ex engine diy. Can I put it in a 98 lx
Hi Matthew, so you have a D17 and want to put it into an LX? there are several aftermarket mount kits you can use, but really there isnt much to be gained here.. Instead try going to a DOHC b series or H series!
Thanks for commenting, let us know how it turns out!
Hi pro street
I have a 1990 Tegra that I picked up stupid cheap well my friend got orders to go to Germany and so I bought his k20 would this fit into the integra or should I just swap in another motor if so which one would be the best bang for my buck. If the k won’t fit in just going to build it up and throw it in another car that I can pick up cheap.
Hi Jason, the bang for your buck question is one we get often.. Check out our Ten best Honda Engine swaps article here :
The K is nice, but you can’t go wrong bang for the buck wise in a B. GOod luck!
I have a 19986 Civic hatchback Si and the original engine messed up and i was wondering what kind of motor moun
ts i would need to swap it to either a b series or d series swap
Hi Lynda, thanks for reading.
Scroll up on this page to see what Honda motor mounts you need and what Honda engine swap fits your car. Thank you !
I have 94 dx 1.5 non vtec and a 02 ex. 1.7 vtec can i put my 02 engine in my 94 with the transmission from the 94
Hi Mike, thanks for reading.. Unfortunately this transmission and engine combination just won’t work.. Try picking up another transmission for your 1.7 liter
hey just wondering how hard a b18 would be to put in my 99 acura el and if that would be a good swap?
Hi Justin! yes, this swap is very easy to do! Simply follow the instructions for your EL / Civic.
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So I have A 95 civic Ex and before I did much research I bought a jdm first gen b16a motor with a S1 transmission from a friend for 800$ and under 60kmiles, anyways my car is a OBD1 but the motor I bought is a OBD0would it be worth converting into a OBDI, also are there any other parts I need to convert like the axles,motor mounts, and the hydraulic to cable conversion bracket etc. Also since its an older engine will the 92-95 civic motor mounts and axles work for the older B16? I’ve made it this far by myself and with no help from friends so your help would be great
Hi Jacob, thanks for reading..
Yes! It’s a good idea to convert to OBD1 so that you can take advantage of all the benefits, and leave that OBD0 stuff behind.. Try here :
Thanks for commenting, let us know how it turns out!
I just swapped engines in my 1992 honda civic. I had a d15b7 and I put in the jdm d15b non vtec and I am looking to find out which d series motor spark plugs and wires I need to buy that will work for this engine. I have heard the z6 and also the a6 but I’ve also heard the y7
Hi Randy!
Any wires from a SOHC should work just fine for your conversion! Thanks for commenting!
Is h2b possible on a acura cl 98? Just something I wanted to try out since I have a cl & single cam is not working out for me. Or will it be better to stay with the f trans on a h22 or just going with the full h22 swap ?
Hi Izzy! yes! lots of guys are using the H2B adapter on the SOHC F series engines with great effect! For a budget build it’s a great idea
What axles do you prefer? And also would it be better to get a hydraulic transmission? Do I need a different shift linkage if so? And will a regular p28 ecu work as well?
Hi, I just bought a 2001 civic lx which has a blown cylinder head and I am wondering if a d16z6 head would work out
Sorry to hear the bad news Angel, but no the D16Z6 head will not work. get that head taken off and surfaced and you should be good to go!
I have a Blown 2004 Honda Accord engine
Can I swap in a Honda CR-V engine
What are the modifications to be made
Hi Hollu, if your CRV has a K series engine in it yes you can make this swap! You will need to transfer over the 2004 Honda Accord accessories but everything else in this Honda swap will be relatively straightforward!
Thanks for commenting!
I got a 93 Accord 2.2 F22A engine. What would be a good engine swap for my car? Or can I improve the stock engine it has now? It’s a daily driver just need some more power.
Hi Paco, there’s quite a few different motors that would work great in your Accord. Check out the H series and some of the articles below :
Thanks for commenting!
Hey so I have a question. I have a 1994 civic si (it’s an American car) and I have a jdm b16a sir2 swap that I want to put in. Will I need to change the wiring harness? Or does the one that’s already in my car will work? I have the d16z6 in it now and am putting a b16a sir 2 jdm engine In. Just trying to be specific so my question can hopefully be answered easily. Thanks!
Hi Tanner, thanks for reading.
yes you can get away with the existing harness in your Civic Si, so long as the swap you are putting in is a OBDI. You can convert your ECU by adding plugs, but your Si already has VTEC so you won’t need to wire that in. Either way here’s a few articles to check out :
Hello, I was just wondering if a b18c5 can fit in 98 civic se?, and if it can how would I upgrade the engine to make it have more hp, Thank you
Hi Malcolm, yes the Type R engine is an excellent candidate to swap into your Honda Civic. However as far as upgrades to the engine, you would be best to pick up tuning piggyback computer as well as additional exhaust and intake modifications.
Check out some of these articles below :
Thanks for commenting!
I have a 1993 Honda Prelude automatic it needs a transmission what other Hondas models will interchange with a 93 Prelude
Hi Kendra, for a transmission on your H series you can also look up the Accord from the same year range.
Thanks for commenting!
hi i am looking to pick up a 93 to 97 acord wagon what is a good motor swap. also what is the best 6 speed tranny to put in it with the motor swap
Hi Glamisboy, if you are looking for a six speed transmission for your Honda swap, I would recommend the K20 and the hard to find six speed Accord transmission. take a look here for more information :
Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!
I have a 93 del sol s and am going to try to do a k swap.will a 2011 civic type r motor fit with a 2006 accord euro type r transmission?
Hi Mike, thanks for commenting!
Yes you can use the 2006 Accord transmission as long as it’s from a K24, but you will need to do some special work to get the speedo to work correctly. It sounds like an awesome K series swap, let us know how it turns out sir!
Hi prostreet, im putting a b20 high compression non vtec into my 95 eg coupe. I have almost everything i need but i wanted to ask what type of computer would be good for it ? And also, do you know where i can buy all the hardware im gonna need to put it together, such as bolts and screws and what-not ?
Hi Homer, thanks for commenting!
We would recommend a chipped PR4/P06/P75 ECU! That will get the job done! If you know someone with a Moates burner, you can even chip the ECU yourself! Check out this guide!
Let us know how your B20 swap turns out!
Can i swith transmision from accord 99 to a civic 02
Hi Doel, sorry but the transmission won’t fit from the SOHC F series to the 02 Honda Civic.
i have a question, just installed a b20b4 into my 98 civic cx. I used the same mounts, and the guy provided a rear mount. The car shakes when i give it gas, i already had new mounts but it was for my previous single cam motor which was a d16z6 and originally a d16y 7 or 8. Not sure. He advised that i need different mounts for the shaking to go away. Can you help? I just dont want to order the wrong mounts.
Hi Elias! sounds like you have mismatched motor mounts! Check out these pages here for more info on what mounts you should use.. If you want to eliminate the harshness and vibration, use a combination of OEM motor mounts for the best combination.
Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!!!
I know nothing about engine swapping so im just asking is ther anyway i can put a 2.4L DOHC i-vtec k20A engine in my 1990 acura integra ls which right now only has a 1.8L 4cylinder B-series engine in it
Hi Deondre! Yes you can!
Check out this page here for more information on swapping a K series into your DA Integra!
Sounds like a great project! Let us know how it turns out!!
Sorry for replying again but is there anyway a 3.5L V6 C35A engine be put in and run into 1990 acura integra ls 4dr
Hey Deondre, interesting setup you are proposing!
there are J swap mount kits for your DA but it’s going to be a tight fit and you are most certainly going to have to hack up the hood! But you can make it work! Sounds like a great swap let us know how it turns out!
Hi my name is josh and I was just curious if you could swap both the engine and transmission of a 99 accord 4cyl with a 2009 Camaro 6cyl. In other words I want to put a 2009 Camaro engine and tranny into my 99 accord. Is this possible or am I wasting my time thinking about it? Thanks!
My name is jake** not josh
Sorry Jake!!
Hi Jake, well anything possible with enough money and time but we would recommend sticking to the tried and true swaps.. Check out our Top 10 best Honda engine swaps countdown here :
Thanks for commenting!
honda Odyssey 2.2 awd automatic jap inport
Looking to swap out engine and transmission to a vtec and 5 speed manual
What donar car is best suited for this ??
Hi Thomas! Thanks for commenting!
AWD automatic Odyssey? so it’s a J series engine? very rare animal if that’s right. You are best served by looking into the six speed setup out of an Accord, but you will be losing the AWD drivetrain unfortunately. Sounds like a great setup and let us know how it turns out sir!
Hello I have a 2008 honda civic, automatic I wanted to see what kinda motor swap I can to it plus changing it to Manuel, will a k20 fit in it?
Hi Joseph, if you are talking about a automatic equipped R18 engine with a automatic transmission, making this change is a little more difficult thank you originally think because the motor mount setup is very different. It’s probably best to sell your car and find a lighter chassis to swap a K series into. Thanks for commenting!
I have a transmission I am selling (JDM 5 speed) it is for a 96-01 Honda prelude. I was wondering if it would fit in a 1995 Honda accord
Hi Dylan thanks for commenting!
as your Prelude is a H22 or H23 engine, it’s not going to be a bolt on solution for your SOHC F series Accord engine. Sorry about that!
hi i am looking to get 1992 to 1997 honda accord wagon what would be a better to just drop in a k20 for h22a i wanna be able to use all the factory stuff such as cruise control mph
Hi Derik, we would vote for the H22, as it’s cheaper and the advances in the H2B transmission plate makes it a great bang for your buck Honda engine swap! Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!
Is there any year honda accord alternator that will work for a 95 honda civic
Hi Brandon, sorry but this alternator won’t work for a SOHC Civic without heavy modification or some sort of adapter plate. Better to just pick up the right alternator sir
Can u use a any honda accord alternator on a 95 honda civic
Hi Brandon, sorry but that’s not going to work without heavy modification. It’s best to just get the right alternator for your engine!
Thanks for commenting!
I totaled my 99 coupe gsr my engine is fine a b18c1 and trans all original. I want to pull my motor b18c1 and put it into a honda or acura shell. And possibly my interior seats. What is the best option here and what years and models will be the ez best options
Hi FVW, we would recommend the 1992-1995 Honda Civic which is cheap, light and easy to swap. For best results take a look at the Honda Civic VX, which is the lightest Honda Civic ever built and got 51 mpg years before a Prius could even sniff that kind of fuel efficiency!
Sounds like a great setup, let us know how it turns out!
I have a 1998 Honda civic ex vtec harness with a d16z6 motor and I can’t figure out how to adapt a distributor to it. Any information will help, thanks.
Hi Manny, okay so you are looking to step down from a OBDII distributor plug to a OBDI distributor right? use this guide here to convert from OBDII to OBDI or the other way around!
Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!
Im thinking about doing an engine swap in my 1995 civic dx. What motors can i swap that the stock transmission will bolt right up with out having to buy a new transmission on top of the price of the motor
Hi Steve, you can go with another OBDI SOHC D series engine, or even the JDM DOHC ZC engine. Thanks for commenting and let us know how it turns out!
Hello, my exhaust on my 98 civic hatchback dx, is starting to fall apart. I was wondering if a type r catback would work with the factory d16 header/cat combination?
Hi Justin, thanks for commenting!
Unfortunately there’s no way that this catback will work on your EK, not to mention that the cat outlet flange will also differ. It’s best to pick up a cheap catback or find a local wrecking yard to find a replacement!
i want to swap my engine and transmission from my 1998 honda cr-v with a stronger engine..
can you give me some advise on what fits in the cr-v that can have more horse power and not loose my all wheel drive in it?
Hi Sammy, there’s a few options you have at your disposal.. you can swap in a GSR engine to your setup but the drawback is if your CR-V is an automatic you are going to have problems sooner than later.
If you are lucky enough to have a manual transmission equipped CR-V, there are many engine choices to take a look at. You might want to look at a B20 VTEC. for more information on this check out our guide on How To build a reliable LS / VTEC here :
Thanx pro street… Can the engine be a DHOC? I found one that is a b20b DHOC.
Yes it can! In fact we’d vote for a DOHC ourselves! let us know how the swap goes!
94 teg dual carb sohc zc motor in it. Need carbby wiring as its different to all other swaps ive done. Any help a Rob.
Hey pro street! I have a 6th gen 2000 Honda civic lx and I want to swap a 1998-2000 b16b type r engine in it or a 1998-2000 gsr engine in it. But my question is will the hydraulic transmission bolt directly on my car or do I need to buy a conversion kit? Since I hear all this talk about cable or hydro conversions or is that just for older model cars with newer engines? Help please. Also I currently have a 5-speed d16y non vtec will I need to add something to my car for when I swap any of these vtec engines in? Thanks
Hi thanks for reading!
Yes the hydro transmission will go into your EK Civic nicely! You won’t need the cable to hydro conversions at all, and all you need to do to Honda swap a B series into your car is to scroll up to see the swap mount combination that you will need. Check out more guides here to get your B series Honda swap done quickly!
Transmission: As this engine is usually coupled to a hydraulic transmission of some sort, either the USDM or JDM Y21, Y80, S80, AND S4C, and there’s no real reason to step down to a cable transmission in this case.
Mounts: You can use the stock mounts from a 1999 Honda Civic Si with the only change to the lower timing side mount, this must be a Del Sol unit for everything to line up correctly.
Thanks for commenting! Let us know how your project turns out!
I found a 96 accord with a bad 4 cylinder and 5 SPD I .have a 98 accord with a good 3.0 v6 auto. Can I swap the engine?
Hi Michael! Yes you can swap this engine into your Accord no problem at all! You will need a custom mount for your J series engine as well as a wiring harness. This isn’t too bad of a swap however because most of the front suspension components as well as your mounts can certainly cut over.
Thanks for commenting! Sounds like a great Honda swap!
Have a 1999 honda civic dx with a stock d16y7. I want to swap with a k20b. Good idea or not.
Hi Mike, thanks for reading.
For your EK the K20B is a great choice so long as you can ditch the CVT transmission. Swapping that and making it work in your 99 EK would be a nightmare. Instead ditch it and go with a manual transmission. Check out these guides below for more information :
Thanks for commenting! Sounds like an awesome swap!
So I’m thinking about buying a 98 ek civic 4 door with the d16y8 engine. The seller is saying it’s got a blown trans, and I was wonderin what trans would be the best to replace it with. I was thinking a straight dseries, but life is to short to drive stock 😉 also, any links to precautions or anything helpful?
Hi Mod2death, if you are sticking with a D series, you’d be best served by just swapping in a D series transmission. However if you want to swap in another engine, now would be a great time!
Hey new to the Honda community I have a 2015 Honda Civic ex coupe with a 1.8 I was wondering if I could do any swap to make it a little stronger.
Hi Marcell, thanks for reading.
Your R18 can be swapped out for a K20, but it may end up being more cost efficient to sell your Civic as is and buy a K20 equipped vehicle. Maybe a EP3 or K20 swapped car already? Check out these guides :
Thanks for commenting!
Comment:hi, I have a Honda accord 2003 4 cylinder, automatic with a bad engine,can I swap it with a honda CRV 2002 or 2003 engine and again is their any other engine that i can swap with,comfortably that will cost less.thank you
Hi sorry! didn’t notice it had a bad motor! Check out the articles above and yes you can try for a low cost K series from a CRV. If you want to step it up a notch you can try a K series from a 2002-2003 Honda Civic Si!
Comment:hi,I have a 2003 Honda accord 4 cylinder,automatic with bad engine,can I swap it with a honda CRV 2002 or 2003 engine and also if there is any alternative which will cost less will appreciate,thank you.
Hi Alfa, thanks for reading!
Your four cylinder Accord is also a K series engine, which is what the CRV is in essence. Unless your engine is blown, it’s better to plan a K20 head swap to take advantage of a higher compression ratio instead! Here’s a few articles to look over on the K series swap.
Thanks for commenting! Let us know how it turns out!
Hello ive got a 2013 civic coupe with the R18 SOHC motor, Looking for some more power, what motors are easiest to change into my car I hear a lot about the kswaps and whatnot, but I’m unsure in what direction I should head.
i have a 150i 1998 honda ballard luxline D15b non v tec fuel injected engine.
i want to swap to V-tec D16y8
1.will this fit ?
2. what needs to be done ?
Good day pro streetline
I have 1990 honda civic ed hatch and i want to do an engine swap can input on the 5th gen engine of prelude to my ed?if not what vtec engine can i put that has more power than a b16a engine thank you very much
Hi Mark, for more power than the b16, you can go with a B18 or GSR engine. If you want to get really big go with a H22 VTEC engine!
I have a 1994 Honda Prelude .. Was wondering what engine swaps are available to be besides the H22/H23 engines (?) Thanks!
Hi Sophia, the H series is easy, and the next possible option would be the G23 engine if you wanted to do some work. Ultimately however those would be the easiest and best Honda engine swaps possible
Hey i have the b21a1 engine with the stock tranny i blew the motor and my buddy has a f22b will that engine line up with my tranny?
Hi Kristopher, thanks for commenting
a B21a huh? not very common but very cool! Unfortunately you’re not going to be able to use the F22B engine with your transmission choice. better to pick up a cheap F series or go H2B with a B series hydro tranny.
Hello I have a 1994 Accord non vtec, currently running on 3 cylinders. Mechanics tell me the engines shot and to get a new one or new car but I love this car and want to see how to swap out the engine before letting it go. I read your article and found this 97-01 Prelude H22A Euro R engine via craigslist . I want to check to see if you think this would be a good fit and investment. I’d like to find the most cost effective way to swap. Thanks so much for your material here I appreciate it.
ps. do you know anyone who’s put a diesel engine in a 5th gen honda accord? aside from just swapping the engine ive been entertaining the idea of putting a whole new engine system running on biodiesel. thoughts?
Hi David, thanks for commenting.
As far as cost efficiency goes, Id stick to a USDM Prelude engine to swap into your Accord. It’s cheaper, easier and you’ll be able to pass smog easily with it. The cost of a H22A Euro spec is going to be expensive, and you should be able to pick out a Prelude shell for the same amount. Sounds like a great project, let us know how it turns out sir!
The Euro R is 1500 with ~55k miles and theres also a H22A4 thats $900 with about same miles.
Hi David, thanks for commenting.
Yeah the H22A4 would be your best bet. If you have 600 dollars burning a hole in your pocket, consider swapping to a H2B transmission in your Honda engine swap for superior performance.
I have a 2000 Accord V6 Vtec with a bad transmission. I have a D16Y8 tranny from a 97 Honda Civic Vtec. Will this tranny fit in my 2000 Accord? Thanks for your time.
Hi Spot, sorry but that D16y8 transmission will definitely not fit on your V6 Accord engine. Sorry about that. Thanks for commenting!
I’m curious if a 92 civic dx engine fits in a 94 del sol S?
Hi Israel, yes this engine will fit just fine. When swapping a D series you’ll want to make sure that the emissions and OBD versions are correct, in this example your Honda engine swap will work fine. Thanks for commenting
2001 Honda Civic 1.7L, the engine and trans are gone,
will a 2004 Civic 1.7L and trans work?
Hi Holly, thanks for commenting.
Unfortunately there’s a lot of work involved with putting a 2004 into a 2001 chassis. Better to find a 2001 engine and transmission from a wrecker and get your car back on the road. Hope that helps!
I have a 93 Del Sol, that might be the slowest car I’ve ever driven. Considering this car looks like it should be fast, I’d like to do a swap… I favor hp over torque… I may possibly boost in the future, but for now I’d like a n/a motor that can move. What low budget, plug and play motor can I swap to achieve this? I prefer something as straight forward as possible, but may consider something slightly more complex if its worth it. Thanks in advance!
Hi Wykydtron, thanks for commenting.
Check out these links for a few tips on what Honda engine swap is best, or what the best engine swap choices are for you.
Thanks for commenting, let us know how it turns out!
i have a 1994 honda civic ej1 coupe. i need a motor and tranny swap. was thinking b series. whats the best b series to go with manual tranny and good for high boost
Hi Joshua, I’m partial to the GSR engine myself when it comes to a Honda Swap. Check out these links for a few tips on which Honda swap is best.
Thanks for commenting!
Bough a B20Z non vtec Honda from a crv engine. But in not sure if I need change on the wiring I’m despert for help
Hi Carlo, what are you trying to swap the B20 into?
Wanna know if I can just put a motor 2000 civic non v Tec in a eg 94 without changing anything this people down here says is posible
Hi Agni, in short yes this engine will drop right in as long as your transmissions are similar. You wont be able to pass smog however, so if that’s a concern for you, check out our many articles on smogging a swap Honda or planning a Honda swap
Hey there. I just acquired a 1996 Honda Civic. Not 100% sure on whether it’s an EX DX SI or so on. There’s no markings on the car. What I do know is that it’s a SOHC and I would like to swap it out for a DOHC V-Tech. I’ve got all kinds of people giving me all sorts of ideas, and some seem far fetched. B16, B18, B20, I’m not sure how to go. I really don’t want to go to crazy, but I would like gives my car a little more power. What would you guys recommend for me. I’m a novice at this I apologize. Thanks for any advice you can give.
Hey Jorge! Honda swaps are cheap and great fun so it sounds like you’ve got quite the project on your hands. To start I would check out these guides to give you an idea on what Honda swap choice is best :
Good luck and let me know how your project turns out!
I have a 95 2.2 litter odyssey i would like to know if i can replace the cylinder head with a newer one. the ones i have are adjustables vavles and i would like to put hydraulic ones on it, is that possible?
Hey Rafael, yes you can swap your Honda cylinder hear just fine. However making the leap to hydro valves would be a significant amount of money and effort, for not much gain. Hope that helps!
I have a 1991 and 1997 Honda Accord and both of the engines are 16 valves 2.2 4 cylinder engines, can they be swap?
Hi Marquis,
while the engines share displacement and other similar traits, you are talking about swapping from OBD1 to OBDII which isn’t always the easiest jump. Do you live in a state that requires emissions testing?
Try checking out these links below :
Thanks for commenting!
hi i was wondering, I have a 92 honda civic vx, what is all needed for swap from a 00 civic siR? bought a running SiR and want to put it in my hatch…just super conflicting answers I’m reading online… thanks in advance, i really appreciate it
Hey Carly, there’s a ton of articles showing you how to easily complete a B series swap in your VX. (nice car btw)
Here’s a few :
These guides can show you what OEM axles, mounts and shifter rod to use!
Good luck! Let me know how it turns out!