News of Honda confirming the plans of releasing a turbocharged 2.0 liter VTEC based Honda Civic in the United States was lost a bit in the 2015 Detroit Auto Show. And just as the buzz from the Acura NSX has begun to die down just a tad, images of the new turbo Honda Civic Type R spotted in Ohio have surfaced.
Posted from the forum Generation X Civic the new Honda Civic hatchback that presumably is sporting one variant of the new Honda Earth Dreams turbo VTEC engines. Set to be built at their Anna, Ohio plant, Honda has recently made huge upgrades to the facility to take on the added production.
Looking almost identical to the Euro-spec hatch we’ve all been teased with, this is definitely exciting news to any Honda fan, NA, turbo or otherwise. Which lends the question how identical would this US built turbo Honda Civic be?

And with different versions of the new turbo VTEC engine, Honda will also be releasing other trims of the new Civic. If the 2.0 liter turbocharged VTEC engine makes the final cut as the Type R’s base powerplant, it sets up an interesting upcoming battle of hatchbacks.

Ford’s new Focus RS as well as the new Volkswagen Golf R and even smaller Ford hatchbacks like the 1.6 liter Fiesta all look to make for an interesting hatchback shootout.
Many thanks to the guys over at Generation X Civic for sharing these new Turbo Honda Civic Type R spotted images and giving Honda fans in the US something to look forward to.
Which hatchback are you most waiting for? Who do you think will win the hatchback war? Comment below and let us know!
I spotted one two days ago in dothan Alabama. Being a die hard Honda fan I spotted it an its crazy paint scheme and huge wing. I can’t wait to finally get some real Honda power
Hi Tom, thanks for reading!
It’s definitely an exciting time for Honda fans, and we are some of the biggest! And you are definitely right! the new turbo VTEC Earth Dreams engine in the Type R promises to be awesome!