The 2015 Detroit Auto Show is over and the proverbial dust has settled, leading us to wonder just what were the top cars at the show? This year’s show had quite a few surprises which you’ll see on our Top 5 cars list. From the latest and greatest concepts and new cars, to self driving technology and 3D printed cars, this show had it all. And who else to show you what were the Top 5 cars at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show than My Pro Street?
One common theme this year at the show was the continuing evolution of technology and automobiles. Hydrogen powered engines, electric cars, smartphone keys are just a sampling of this evolution, and the speed in which manufacturers are putting tech on the table is staggering. What once was a foreign concept of blending two very different worlds, now seems like old news.
Here are the Top 5 cars at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show that impressed us by showcasing the concepts that automakers boast will be part of our everyday lives in the not so distant future.
The Mercedes F015 Luxury Sedan
Easily the most impressive looking vehicle at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show, the F015 luxury sedan takes the fiction out of science fiction. Looking like something from the latest Tom Cruise flick or high concept tech movie, this vehicle looked like it belonged on a movie set.

And if you think the outside of the car was the centerpiece of this incredible car, you’d be dead wrong. The interior and styling concepts all look like Mercedes wants to redefine the very term of luxury. Wooden floor panels give off a rustic and classic look, set against the backdrop of the stunning Star Trek like captain chairs that swivel 180 degrees.

Featuring Mercedes Benz’s autonomous driving technology, the F015 kicks off our list of Top 5 Cars at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show.
Chevrolet Bolt and the Honda FCV
Not one to shy away from hyperbole, Chevrolet unveiled the new Bolt nicknamed “The Tesla Killer“, an electric car that has their sights set on the upcoming electric car wars. And looking over the tech and specifications, we think that Chevy has a fine base to start their eco-drive lineup of vehicles with.
Built from a custom frame and comprised almost completely of carbon fiber, magnesium and aluminum components, the Bolt will not break the bank with a price tag of $30,000. Self parking technology and smartphone integration makes this little electric car one to watch as the projected 2017 launch date approaches.
Honda FCV – Did we mention the upcoming electic car wars? With GM and Nissan upping the ante with news of the Chevy Bolt and a redesigned Nissan Leaf, Honda jumped into the fray with their Honda Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) concept.

We’ve heard about hydrogen technology for years now, and it looks like the day when you’ll be pulling into a H20 station to fill it up may not be that far off. Honda has invested millions into building more hydrogen stations in California, which is where the FCV will start it’s production.
3D Printed Strati
What looks like a child’s toy in photographs looks absolutely incredible in person. This funky looking go-kart sized car from Local Motors in Arizona is one of the coolest 3D printed anythings we’ve ever seen.

Believe it or not, this vehicle was constructed and printed at the Detroit Auto Show in just 48 hours. Local Motors is planning on opening more 3D printing factories in California, DC and Tennessee. The technology may still be a little rough around the edges, but in a few years we could see 3D printing completely revolutionize how you maintain, modify and upgrade your car. Stay tuned.
Acura NSX
This was a tough call considering the amount of hype and build up leading to the 2015 Detroit Auto Show, but the NSX checks in at number 2 on our Top 5 cars at the Detroit Auto Show list.
Yes the Honda looks stunning and the blend of electric motors that boost efficiency and power, and it’s been benchmarked against some of the fastest and greatest productions cars. Yes the new NSX puts technology of hybrid drive into a relatively affordable sports car, technology that’s normally reserved for million dollar race cars. And yes it’s going to be built in the United States, but why is it still second on this list?
It’s because although the Acura NSX delivers on so many levels, it continues a theme that’s run throughout the history of the Acura NSX. Honda fans may get upset, but it’s a theme of underpowered, overpriced performance. Here’s to hoping we are wrong.
Ford GT
Boy did this thing ever steal the show. We’ve raved about this machine already, but there’s no stopping us or this race car. Purposefully rebuilt and with subtle hints and visual clues reveal both its menacing abilities as well as it’s deep heritage.
The 3.5 liter EcoBoost engine that has dominated in the TUDOR racing series, will now set it’s sights on repeating history. History that was made 50 years ago when the Ford GT upended the entire Le Mans field, where they took all three top finishes.

The new Ford GT looks every bit the incredible machine that the 50 years of buildup has culminated in, and racers in this year’s upcoming Le Mans may be in for a big surprise.
What did you think of the 2015 Detroit Auto Show? Did you agree with our top 5 cars at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show list? Leave us a comment below and let us know!