Whether you are trying to clear an engine code the hard way, or reset your closed loop fuel values in your ECU, learning how to reset your G35 ECU can be very useful. The ECU reset process is one provided by Nissan, but you can always reset your ECU by disconnecting your battery.
To reset your G35 ECU via the battery, merely disconnect the negative terminal and then get back into the car and depress the brake pedal a few times. This will help drain what little power is stored in the ECU capacitors or any other electrical device. Leave battery disconnected for 10-15 seconds and then reconnect the battery to clear your OBDII trouble code.
To locate your Infiniti G35 battery, open your hood and find the battery tray on the passenger side of the upper engine bay. If you wish to learn how to reset your G35 ECU by way of the pedals, continue on.
- Get into your vehicle and turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position, you do not need the ignition key inside your fob for this step.
- Push down on your gas pedal firmly and then fully release it. Repeat this process 5 times, making sure to distinctly release and depress each time.
- Now wait for 5-7 seconds and then push down on your gas pedal and hold down on it until your Check Engine Light starts to blink.
- Once your MIL begins to blink, release the gas.
- Wait about 10 seconds and then push down on your gas pedal and hold for another 10 seconds
- Release your gas pedal
You should now be able to turn the key to the “OFF” position and your MIL status should now be cleared.

Keep in mind this will not clear any stored or ghost OBDII codes that may be in your ECU.

If this process does not reset your G35 ECU, repeat until you get desired effect.

Make sure to have your radio code handy if you decide to simply clear the ECU codes by way of disconnecting the battery.
You now know how to reset your G35 ECU, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below.
Thanks for reading!
I have tried the gas peddle method 100 times 😳 and also then just gave in and tried the battery taken off negative and completely removed and did the brake peddle and tried draining — but cannot get the g35 to reset ? any suggestions my friend
Are you trying to reset the ECU? or clear a code? do you have an OBDII scan tool?
I also am unable to reset my ecu using either of these methods. I used to be able to perform the pedal dance very easily but I think I might have a wiring issue somewhere at this point. I’m getting p0226 p0223 p1224. Any suggestions?
Daniel, have you tried disconnecting the battery and allowing the ECU to drain of power?
I have a question. Does changing the ecu affects shifting gears ? I’ve changed my ecu and now there is a delay in changing gears. What is the problem ?
If you own an automatic yes different tunes and adjustments in ECU can and will change how your vehicle shifts. That’s because Infinti / Nissan from the factory has a set idea on how they want your vehicle to shift and handle. Once you change the ECU, you change the output and how the vehicle processes air and fuel.