The Super AFC NEO is a piggyback device that gives you control over your vehicle’s fuel trims indirectly, by manipulating the amount of air your ECU / PCM sees. With a variety of applications, and the ability to tune a high throttle and low throttle map dependant on rpm and engine load makes this piggyback unit a very simple, cheap and effective solution.
Many people find this page after their AFC doesn’t turn on, or doesn’t light up. If your AFC is dead, this article on How To Repair Your Super AFC NEO is for you. The Super AFC is a super effective tuner that’s not going to cost you an arm and a leg.
However there isn’t to say that this unit doesn’t have it’s share of problems. One of it’s most glaring problems is the screen going black or the unit not lighting up. Often this can be traced back to the daughterboard on the NEO coming loose from owners yanking on the cord exiting the unit too hard. This issue also exists for the Super AFC II, the Super VAFCII, as well as the AFC II lite.
How to Install Your AFC – Mitsubishi Eclipse Turbo
Most of the time, when your Apexi AFC fails to turn on or light up most people assume it has gone dead and simply toss it into the trash. But what they don’t know is that there’s a common issue with the wires that clip into the back of the AFC board that can come loose, especially when people tug and abuse the wires coming out of the unit.
This is where you can really learn How To Repair Your Super AFC NEO, because most of these problems can arise from the harness.
How to Install Your VAFC – Acura RSX
To take a look at your AFC and see if it can be salvaged, flip it over and unscrew the bolts that secure the backing to the front of the faceplate.
The unit we’ll be using in this example is the newer style NEO of the AFC family, you can see here there are only 3 screws to undo. While your AFC may or may not have these screws located in the corners, simply find them and undo them with the front of the unit facing downwards.
How to Install a SAFC in a MR2
You want the unit facing downwards and try not to make contact with the buttons or the face while you have your unit apart as it may dislodge some buttons from their seating position. This is the most important step in How To Repair Your Super AFC NEO.
This version of the AFC does not have the daughterboard in question, but these plug in terminals that can come loose, make sure to double check these for damage and plug them back in.
On older versions of the AFC, these wires may or may not be attached to a smaller daughterboard that works in a similar fashion. Simply check the daughterboard for damage and then plug it back in and reassemble your AFC.
Hopefully your once dead Apexi AFC is back together and lights up as soon as you turn the key to the ON position.

Congratulations! You have just saved yourself some money and completed our How To Repair Your Super AFC NEO guide. Check out our how to tune your super AFC guide as well.
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hello friend, my s-afc 1, no reads input voltage pressure sensors and tps
Hi Jose, thanks for commenting..
When you say you have a SAFC1, do you have the unit with the five knobs? if so there’s no way to reference your inputs from this model.
IF you have the original SAFC2, with the directional buttons instead of the rotary dial, may I ask what vehicle you have it installed in?
Brother could you please upload another clear image of the plugged terminals . I was using apexi AFC neo1 and everything was alright untill some one tried to steal my piggy unlocking my car . he couldnt steal the device but torn apart the wire . the wires are torn which is okay but few pins were out from the device. Which is the problem as I do not know which colored pin goes in which box ! .my device will be all fine again i f I had a clear image of the plugged terminals as you have uploaded but unclear . thank you so much In advance hope to hear a reply from you soon 🙂
Hi Sakib, thanks for commenting.
Sorry that happened to you, I hate car thieves. Check out our guide with a complete wiring diagram here :
Thanks for commenting! You should be able to wire up your SAFC NEO manually using the diagram!