Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Tags Switch

Tag: switch

How To Service a Honda Civic Ignition Switch

When your Honda won't start, there's a long list of components to test. One of these is what activates your starter and engine, which...

What To Do When your Car Wont Start

When your car wont start, you want to learn how to fix your no start condition and get your car back on the road....

How To Test a Toyota Camry Idle Switch

The throttle position sensor in your Toyota Camry also incorporates the idle switch. If you are here on this page, chances are you are...

How To Test a Ford Explorer Blower Motor Switch

It's never a good time when the climate control unit in your Ford Explorer stops working. When your Explorer air vents don't blow air,...

How To Test a Honda Accord Transmission Switch

Problems with your Honda Accord transmission are never a good time. When your transmission starts to act up, a common troubleshooting step most transmission...

How To Convert Your Auto Honda to Manual

Owning an automatic transmission equipped Honda isn't the kiss of death that it used to be. The process of how to convert your auto...

How To Check a Ford Mustang Ignition Switch

There's nothing more annoying than getting into your car and trying to start it, only to hear no sound at all because your starter...

How To Install a HKS FCD in a Mitsubishi Evolution

Meant to combat fuel cut in factory turbocharged vehicles, the HKS FCD is one of the best known fuel cut piggyback devices on the...

FAQ : Top Ten Reasons Why VTEC Doesnt Work

Honda variable valvetrain technology known as VTEC is known for it's ability to maximize power in a small displacement engine. Whether you are talking...

How to Service 2JZGE VSV

The 2JZGE VSV or Vacuum Switching Valve can often be misunderstood when it comes to the 2JZ engine. Many enthusiasts feel as though the...