SEMA has always been the perfect platform for those looking for the next greatest thing. Being the world’s largest performance car show, it’s the perfect pinnacle of aftermarket engineering. So to say it’s hard to stand out is a colossal understatement unless you happen to have a 450HP Electric AWD Honda Civic in your booth.
The world’s first AWD Honda Civic electric conversion, Orbis is looking to ship these kits in short order. The AWD Civic Type R was tested recently by Motor Trend, and the performance is undeniable.
Called the Orbis Ring Gear Wheel Conversion, they basically took a Honda Civic Type R FK8 and completely flipped it upside down. Powered with independent 75 horsepower motors at each wheel, the AWD Honda Civic is incredibly impressive.

Inside the 450HP Electric AWD Honda Civic
On the surface, the idea of an AWD Civic is nothing new at all. Which is why the idea of an upgraded AWD Honda doesn’t seem all that special. That is until you realize the huge amount of research and development that has gone into the FK8.
Orbis representative Marcus Hays goes into the 450HP Electric AWD Honda Civic build at great length. With direct drive to the hubs, and performance that is on tap, the FK8 Civic is a remarkable piece of engineering.
What makes the Orbis 450HP Electric AWD Honda Civic so amazing? Here’s a quick rundown of the unique features.
No drivetrain components – Where traditional AWD Honda conversions are a mashup of OEM and aftermarket parts, this electric AWD swap simplifies matters significantly.
With no differential to mount, axles to order or modifications this AWD conversion truly stands apart.
Battery Recovery – Adding a complex electric powertrain is tough enough, but having to invent a charging system would be a tall order. Thankfully the Orbis AWD system charges batteries by braking like a traditional hybrid.
Weight Differential – You’ll be amazed to know that the AWD electric Honda conversion adds just 175 lbs to the car.
Tuning – Not needed as the Orbis AWD kit works with the factory ECU. What’s that mean? there is no tuning or adjustments to make to your vehicle.
Durable – Motors, gears, and components of the Electric AWD Honda Civic are weatherproof and made to last.
With superior performance numbers and a solid amount of engineering, the Orbis team looks to have a winner. Simultaneously increasing horsepower and gas mileage makes this AWD conversion kit a great option.
What do you think about the Orbis Electric AWD Honda Civic? Leave us a message below and let us know!