Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Tags Faq

Tag: faq

How Starter Solenoids Work

Starters are an important part of any vehicle, regardless of make or model. In order to start your car, the starter must be able...

Best Honda Civic Interior Mods

With as long as the Honda Civic has been around, there's not much that hasn't been done to the long standing Honda. Still when...

BMW Water Injection Coming to Production Vehicles

The art of water injection is nothing new to combustion engines. Keeping combustion chamber temperatures down is an effective way to increase horsepower and...

Electronic Boost Controller Basics – How a EBC works

Blessing to some people, curse to others there's a lot of misinformation out there the electronic boost controller. The use of electronic solenoids allow you...

Car Wiring Guide – Essential Tools

Whether you are installing a car stereo, repairing an engine harness or upgrading your car computer, car wiring is an important part of the...

What is Compression Height

When you are building your project engine, there's a lot of math involved. One of the biggest calculations is compression height. That's especially true when...

FAQ – What is the LS9 Engine

At the time of it's production the LS9 engine was touted as the most powerful production engine ever produced by GM. Supercharged from the factory...

Brake Tech 101 – Everything to Know about Brakes

They say bigger is better and it's certainly one aspect that applies to the brakes in your car. It's one thing to bolt on...

What is Engine Knock

Engine knock is also known as pre-ignition or detonation. There's several common reasons what cause knock in your engine. When your engine is running,...

How To Test a Mitsubishi Eclipse Crank Sensor

The Mitsubishi Eclipse Crank Sensor is a hall effect sensor that's mounted to the front of your 2.0 liter engine. This sensor is responsible for...