Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Tags Crankshaft position sensor

Tag: crankshaft position sensor

How To Test a Ford Focus Crank Sensor

TheĀ Focus crank sensor in your Ford is there to read the position of your crankshaft. By reading the teeth on your crankshaft trigger plate,...

DTC P0335 – How To Test a Honda Civic Crankshaft Position...

The Honda Civic crankshaft position sensor is a part that's located under your timing assembly and mounted to the engine next to the crankshaft...

DTC P0336 – How To Test a Honda Civic Crankshaft Position...

When you have problems or your Honda Civic crankshaft position sensor begins to fail, your Honda Civic could stop running. If your crankshaft position...

DTC P0335 – How To Test a Ford Focus Crankshaft Position...

Crankshaft position sensor failure can be dangerous, especially if your Ford Focus is an automatic. Because your Ford PCM relies on the crankshaft position...

DTC P0335 – How To Change a Honda Accord Crankshaft Position...

The OBDII trouble code of P0335 is known as a "hard" code, meaning severely detrimental to the operation of your Accord engine. More specifically...

How To Read C5 Corvette Trouble Codes

The fifth generation Corvette changed a lot of things for GM and Chevy alike, propelling the first GEN III engine in Chevy's flagship sportscar....

How To Test Your 2JZ Crankshaft Position Sensor

There are many reasons to test your 2JZ Crankshaft Position Sensor, especially if you are planning a 2JZ engine swap. The 2JZGTE is one...