Nissan’s 3.5-liter VQ engine found in the late model platforms is remarkable reliable and stout. However, that doesn’t mean that Nissan check engine light issues do not arise from time to time. Today I’ll be showing you how to fix P0075 Nissan 350Z trouble code problems and clear your check engine light.
The specific P0075 Nissan 350Z trouble code is related to the VTC module. If you have a P1110 Nissan trouble code, this engine error is often found hand in hand with OBDII P0075. The VQ35 VTC module in your Nissan is the Variable Timing Control valve that dictates valvetrain in your 3.5 liter V6.
So if your Nissan 350Z check engine light is on, and you’ve already confirmed this trouble code using an OBDII scan tool, we can begin.
Troubleshooting the P0075 Nissan 350Z trouble code
P0075 and P0081 are both check engine codes that have to do with the variable timing control solenoids in the VQ35DE. This is the brother of OBDII check engine code P1135 for the driver side or left hand side VTC module, and can also be accompanied by P0011 for Infiniti models. Many times this problem with the VTC solenoids can lead to knocking noises and poor fuel economy.
I’m going to be showing you how to locate, test and remove the variable timing control solenoid in your VQ35 on a 2005 Infiniti G35 AWD, which will resolve the P1110 or related codes.
What does the VTC do?
The Nissan / Infiniti Powertrain Control Module has the ability to use the variable timing control solenoid to change the camshaft phases as driving needs dictate. Meaning the ECU will adjust how far advanced or retarded the intake cam will adjust itself to provide superior mid range and low end torque and performance.
The PCM relays real time pulse duty cycles to this variable timing control solenoid, which in turn adjusts the intake valve timing to increase low speed and midrange horsepower and torque.
Where is the VTC located?
The VQ35DE variable timing control solenoids are located in front of the engine and mounted to the side of the cylinder head. It’s connected by a two pin weatherproof green connector and is secured by 10mm bolts. If you have an existing P1110 OBDII check engine code, you will need to replace and test this unit before clearing your PCM memory or DTC codes.

The similar steps to cleaning, testing and replacing the VTC solenoid on your VQ35 applies to FX35, 350Z, Maximas and many other car and truck applications. Before doing this How to tutorial, you might want to check your oil and change it, because problems can arise from dirty oil clogging your solenoids.
We’ll be replacing the passenger side VTC solenoid today, or Bank 1 for those scoring at home. Removal and testing of this variable timing control solenoid is easy and very straightforward, and can be completed in just a day.

First remove the 10mm nuts that hold the upper engine cover in place, once these 10mm nuts are removed, take off the entire engine cover and shroud. Now that this cover is removed, locate your passenger side (Bank 1) VTC solenoid.

To unplug this passenger side VTC solenoid however, you will need to either take off the front coolant hose or remove the VTC unit all together. I’m not going to cut any corners here and just remove the coolant hose so that I can test the unit and harness easily.
Now that you have the connector removed, you can move ahead and remove the 10mm bolts of different lengths that hold the variable timing controller in place.
Undo the 10mm bolts and pull them out to gently remove and free your intake variable timing solenoid from your VQ35DE.

Nissan and Infiniti both call for you to check oil pressure after this unit is removed, or at least flush the holes and passageways of debris.
Once you have your variable timing controller taken off, you should crank the motor over once just to pump some oil through the oil passages and clear out and possible debris. Clean and prep the surface carefully for the installation of your replacement timing solenoid and new gasket.

You are now ready to install the new 3.5L Nissan / Infiniti 3.5L variable intake timing control solenoid, make sure to tighten to factory specifications and always flush the oil passages out when you have the unit off.
Have any questions about this job or any part of clearing your P0075 Nissan code?? Leave me a message below!