Engine oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle. It plays an important role in keeping your engine running and top condition. Not only does engine oil lubricate, but it also keeps the components of your engine cool. When you recently change oil, your bearings and valvetrain inside of your engine will operate both efficiently and effectively. Over time however contaminants and debris can break down the viscosity of your engine oil.
That’s why it’s so important to change oil as a regularly scheduled part of your vehicle maintenance. In fact to keep your engine oil clean, your manufacturer employs a range of filters to keep your engine running. However these filters aren’t foolproof, it won’t catch everything.

And over time these contaminants can lead to debris entering your engine. This contamination will make your oil dirty and cause it to lose viscosity. In the most simplest terms, you want to change oil to keep it clean and maximize your engine performance. If you’re wondering about some of the other reasons, check out the reasons below to change oil in your vehicle.
Why you want to change oil regularly
- Longevity – Your engine creates a great amount of friction when operating. This is a byproduct of the kinectic energy being released through the combustion of your air / fuel mixture. In order to keep your engine running, the engine oil must be changed to provide the best environment possible. Oil keeps the metal bits of your engine lubricated, which prevents heat and warpage.
- Keeping Temperature Down – Heat is a bad thing, especially when there’s too much of it in your engine. When you think about the number of small explosions just a few feet away from your face as you stab the throttle, you begin to appreciate the need for keeping your engine cool. When you change oil regularly, your engine will run cooler and your cylinder head(s) won’t warp.
- Proper Pressure – Oil Pressure is a vital part of your engine bearing health. There needs to be sufficient oil pressure in your block to ensure proper bearing health. Without a regular schedule to change oil, you run the risk of reduced or minimized oil pressure. When you change your oil, the debris and contaminating particles get drained out. This keeps passages and oil pump gears free and clear to operate properly.

- Lubrication – Regardless of whether or not you have a turbocharged vehicle, proper oil lubrication is crucial to any minute. Lack of engine oil to any part of your engine, or turbocharger could cause premature failure and an expensive repair. One of the biggest problems caused by dirty oil and debris in your oil is the lack of proper lubrication for your engine. Engine oil prevents premature wear and heat damage caused by these moving parts, and without the right level of lubrication, your engine could fail or break down.
- Keep your engine filter clear – Understand your engine oil filter will get dirty and clog fairly fast, which makes it that much more important to replace your oil filter. This is of course a required step when you regularly change oil in your engine. Use these benefits to motivate yourself and write up a schedule to change oil at the right intervals.

These benefits can make or break your vehicle, so make sure to change oil frequently. Properly following your maintenance schedule ensures that your engine and your vehicle provide you with a long life of service and reliable duty.
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