The On Board Diagnostics system in your Ford Taurus is a complicated computer system that governs your Ford’s health. It communicates through a port located under your dash, and can inform you when there’s a problem with your Taurus. It notifies you through a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) or Check engine light.
When the Check Engine Light or Service Engine Soon light turns on in your Ford Taurus dash, your OBDII system has detected a problem. There are many different types of errors your Ford diagnostic system can detect, and can put your engine into limp mode if it feels as though the error or problem is serious.
Limp mode can cause your vehicle to run very roughly, and is intended for you to literally limp the vehicle to your nearest service station. Problems with your check engine light can range from small problems, like not having enough fuel or a loose gas cap, to bigger problems, like a bad crank position sensor, or mass air flow meter.

Today we’ll be showing you how to reset your Ford Taurus Check Engine Light, and giving you a few methods in which to clear your code. Before you erase or clear your trouble code, you should first read your check engine light and OBDII DTC code to see where the problem lies.

Your OBDII system requires three separate driving cycles in order to illuminate your check engine light. If your problem or condition is not present for three consecutive driving cycles, your MIL may be intermittent.
Ford outlines the parameters of a driving cycle as starting your engine from a completely cold condition and driving your vehicle for about 10-15 minutes. If your problem is repaired or taken care of, you can attempt to clear your Ford Taurus code by driving and completing three seperate driving cycles.
If you can’t wait and want your Ford Taurus check engine light taken care of sooner, you can always rent a scanner or OBD scan tool. When you use a scan tool or scanner to connect to your Ford Taurus computer, you can read or pull the codes from the vehicle. This can give you a good start or a good idea as to what the problem with your vehicle is.
You can also clear or reset your MIL status to clear your Taurus check engine light. Be sure to note all of your available trouble codes before clearing your ECU.
If you are having problems smogging your Ford Taurus, you will want a real resolution to your check engine light problem. Clearing your code by using our how to reset Your Ford Taurus Check Engine Light will not help you if you need to smog your Taurus. Because our method of knowing how to reset Your Ford Taurus Check Engine Light is from primarily draining the ECU power, your IM tests will not set in time for smog.
Following this How To on resetting your Ford Taurus Check Engine Light will not only reset your ECU but also your I/M tests as well. If your IM tests are not set, you won’t be passing smog or any emissions tests with your Ford Taurus. Make sure you take the proper steps as to not waste your trip to your local smog facility.
How to Reset your Ford Taurus Check Engine Light
Removing your EFI relay in your Ford Taurus –
There’s a few different ways to tackle the job of resetting your Ford Taurus check engine light by way of your EFI fuses or relays. Open your hood and locate your fusebox in your engine bay. Depending on the year range of your Ford Taurus, this may differ from vehicle to vehicle.
For the first generation of OBDII Ford Taurus vehicles from the years 1996–1999, this fusebox is found in the engine bay near the firewall. For all 2000–2007 year range of Ford Taurus, the fusebox is located near the front of your engine, on the passenger side.
Remove the fuse block labeled Engine Control or EFI 1 or 2, for earlier models between 1996-1999 this fuse can also be labeled EFI. Remove the fuse and head back into the cabin, and turn on your headlights to completely drain your car. Wait 5 minutes and then reset your vehicle’s ECU by re-installing your fuse. Turn the vehicle back on and complete a driving cycle to see if your trouble code returns.
Removing your Battery –
If you want to take a more direct approach to learning how to reset your Ford Taurus check engine light, disconnect the negative terminal to your battery. Repeat the step above of stepping back into your car and turning on your headlights. Wait between 5-10 minutes before reconnecting your battery and starting your vehicle back up.
If your check engine light returns, this represents a more serious issue that you must address. Head over to our DTC Doctor section to learn more about OBDII trouble codes, and how to fix them as well as clear them. Have a question about our DIY How To? Leave us a message below!
I have a 2007 ford taurus sel with 99456. Mile
All 4 Oxygen sensers replaced twice and mass senser placed for lean code light back on after flushing fuel system have no clue please help.
Hi Mark, quick question.. you changed your oxygen sensors but the Mass air flow sensor is still triggering a OBDII code? do you have a scanner or know what code your Taurus is throwing sir? Let us know and we’ll be glad to help! Thanks for commenting!
2904 Taurus check engine lit comes on and off, doesn’t seem to complete the drive cycle so is not ready for smog check. Replaced the Cat and this code just can’t get it to complete the cycle. We are not failing smog just getting a no test due to not being ready. We have driven car for 50-75 miles and on! Thanks!
Hi Amy, sorry to hear about your situation but unfortunately there’s no getting around the MIL status. You need to put miles on it to get all the MIL statuses to clear. Try different kinds of driving, up hills, on the freeway, etc.
Let us know how it turns out and thank you for commenting!
So I got a lot of stuff re changed in my 2002 ford tarus . Got a new power steering wheel pump a new mass airflow sensor a new hv palve hose , and a new fuel cap . A lot of places wont manually reset your codes how can i get my check engine light off ? .
Hi Stephen, thanks for reading and commenting.
Resetting your check engine light is easy, you can do one of 2 things.
1. Rent or purchase an affordable OBDII Scanner
2. Disconnect your battery and attempt to drain your ECU memory
Check out some of these links for more information sir!
2007 Ford Taurus Sel. Took Vehicle to Jiffy Lube for oil change. They ended up disconnecting a few things just to change the oil which led into a argument because after they were done with the vehicle I had a high idle. So I changed the IAC. Now my vehicle has a check engine light from code P0455. States Evaporative Emission System Leak Detected (Gross Leak/ No Flow) I don’t know what the Gross Leak/ No flow means???
Hi Rudy, thanks for commenting.
Have you tried to clear the code using a scanner? Sounds like you either have a tear in your EGR system, or in the EGR breadbox that’s located behind your trunk under your Taurus. Ask a mechanic to check your EGR system for leaks, but either way it should be the responsibility of the shop you took it to for them to fix it.
Let us know how it turns out. Thanks again for reading.
I have a 2000 Ford Taurus…
I was told my Head Gasket needed replaced. So, I changed it myself. I also changed my water pump. Which, was bad.
Now, trouble codes come up. fuel sys lean and misfire in cyl 5. it idles high and runs rough while stopped at light or traffic. The car was apart for about a week until i had time to finish getting it back together.
It never ran rough or anything before. Now, i have these problems.. thanks
Hi Larry,
the first place to start is to make sure that your cam gear timing is not off. If you have serviced the cylinder head, that’s where I would start first. hope that helps sir.
Hi everyone. Inhave a 2016 Taurus SEL with the standard 3.5L V6. Don’t use car much. Literally put 11500 miles on it in 4 years. Started car this am in my garage. About 10 seconds later the COOLANT OVER TEMPERATURE displayed and the CES light is on steady. Car drives fine. Took 4 miles to service station for oil and fikter change. Shut off and rngine. Temp displays normal range for 10 seconds, then guage drops to C, and over heat warning returns. CES light staying on. Any ideas? Car is still under warranty but curious. A/C, of course, won’t operate and engine cooling fan constantly on high. Thank you.
Hi AJ, thanks for reading my Ford Taurus check engine light guide.
Sounds like you have a faulty ECT or engine coolant temperature sensor. If the car is driving fine and shows no sign of overheating, I would have this part replaced.
Good luck! Hope that helps!