How Do I become a Writer?
It’s simple and easy to join My Pro Street and become a writer! Here’s the process in just four easy steps.
- Join and create a profile – Join our community and create a writer profile – just a small snippet that lets people know who you are and what you love.
- Customize – Upload photos, start a team, talk with other members and win prizes.
- Submit article – Write an article, DIY or How To that’s original and meets our guidelines.
- Take Charge – Leave your feedback and reply to your fans and drive your articles to the top of the website.
- Build your Rep – Comment on other articles, reply with helpful tips to your readers and improve your Writer status. Build enough rep and you can become a Featured Writer who is eligible to earn money for writing articles.
How Do I earn money writing for Pro Street?
My Pro Street is a 100% funded website and community for enthusiasts to share knowledge and their experiences. When you reach the level of Featured Writer, you can become eligible to participate in our Affiliate Marketing program.
Ads served through articles you’ve written earn you money and prizes when you become a Featured Writer. So what are you waiting for? Apply today!
How can become an Affliate?
Simply submit your blog or website to our marketing team using this form and your site will be submitted for review. If you are approved your site and articles will be linked to our Affiliate page, and you are welcome to cross link to any of our articles using our approved links.
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]
Are you a photographer or have videos or a Youtube channel to share? Let us know to become an affiliate!
Who can become a Writer?
Anyone with experience or the motivation as a writer or blogger on car, import and JDM related subject matter will be considered and if approved will have their content shared on our website!
Why Write for Pro Street?
– Get select discounts at our store and the chance to win up to 500 dollars in money or parts depending on frequency of publications and performance of said articles.
– Join a team motivated to bring the very best in motorsports coverage and how-tos.
– Get valuable backlinks to your website, or blog with a page dedicated to your position here at our site!
A custom signature of your choosing will be included into every one of your articles and links from your own author page with links and references to your other projects.
– Gain exposure! Thousands of people will see your article, your work will be cross linked from every other part in our website that relates to your subject matter.
– High traffic to your articles! My Pro Street has been a community for automotive enthusiasts since 1999 and has been serving Northern California since 2000.
What subject matter would I be writing?
My Pro Street is a site aimed at bringing the best in automotive news and write-ups / builds and looking for articles and tutorials on those related topics.
We love how-to articles and sharing builds that you may have at home or at your work? Own a shop or interested in promoting your products on our site? Want to share your photography, videos or other production matter with the world?
Some of the examples of articles we are looking for ;
- How-To’s on performance parts and installs
- Garage or DIY builds
- Opinions or reviews on products
- Step by Step Tutorials
- Automotive News
- Automotive Video Games
Article Guidelines:
– Articles must be a minimum of 500 words
– Articles must be original content – they cannot be published elsewhere
– Credit all sources used in your article
– No plagiarism – your article will be taken down right away and you will be banned.
We may include internal links within your article. This is for Search Engine purposes.
What discounts can I receive?
The structure of discounts for parts purchased over 100% is 15%-40%, and the discounts can vary depending on frequency of submissions as well as performance.
What prizes can I receive?
Winners of submission contests or articles reaching a goal of views can win prizes from our store delivered straight to their home. From shift knobs to sweaters and performance parts, you can win in many ways at My Pro Street!

What kind of money can I earn?
With our affiliate program in place it really depends on how popular and well received your article is. The better your article the more traffic and relevant people will read it. Those people will be served ads from Amazon, Ebay and Google to maximize your earning potential.