My Pro Street

How To Use Spot Putty

When preparing your car for paint, spot putty can really save the day by filling in small scratches or surface imperfections. Pinholes and dimples can be repaired and when carefully sanded and primed, can present the best surface possible for your new paint to bond to.

Capable of resolving most of the common surface problems found in cars today, knowing how to use spot putty can save you money. Doing the repairs and prep work on your own car isn’t hard when you follow just a few of these easy pointers.

Where do I want to use spot putty?

Most common surface problems for spot putty service are smaller paint chips or pits caused from oxidation. Sanding marks or scuffs that are imperfections that might stick out like sore thumbs on your new paint.

Always use proper lighting when checking over your vehicle, because many times these areas can be hard to detect. With proper lighting and a hand held light you should be able to find the problem areas that need help.

Apply Putty

Properly mix your putty and make sure it’s the right consistency. Spread evenly over the problem area and apply thinly using a plastic spreader. Keep the mixture and application thin, and work in fast and sport strokes. Because putty is fast acting and will cure quickly, make sure to go over the area and work quickly.

Do not overwork the area, as this can cause the putty to pull away from the primer or the base. Some putty companies claim that their product can be used to painted surfaces, but we don’t recommend it.


Remember that less is more and don’t be afraid to practice. The better you become at how the putty reacts and it’s viscous properties, the easier you will apply and cure your putty.

Featheredge putty by using less sanding and more putty application to help round out the rough spots. When you are sure you are filled and properly cured, sand down the area for the surface you are looking for. Always use a sanding block and never your bare fingers when sanding your body panel.

Avoid the Bullseye

Many beginners make the all too easy mistake of using build up spot sandpaper to featheredge spot putty. While this seems good in principle, it creates a tapered effect and can lead to a depression that’s commonly referred to as the bull’s-eye.



If the surface are you are working on is large but has lots of small pitting, it’s often best to use primer surfacer to the area. This is perfect for front bumpers or hoods that take the beating through the elements and need special care when prepping for paint.


Want more information on how to prep your car for paint? Check our handy guide here and if you have any questions on how to use spot putty, please leave them for us below!

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