My Pro Street

Modified Magazine Being Shut Down

It’s been a rough go of things in the aftermarket, with the recession hitting many different facets of the industry from manufacturers to retail shops and more. And while some companies and products have been slowly re-entering the picture and rebuilding the once thriving industry, we are hit with more somber news this Friday.


Source Interlink is a corporation that delivers special interest and enthusiast content through magazines, columns and many different prints such as Motor Trend and Hot Rod. While they are one of the larger single copy magazine sales and logistics companies in the United States, it doesn’t look like Modified will be part of the stable any further.

According to reports, Modified Magazine has being shut down and has been rumored to have laid off huge chunks of the existing staff. The remainder of Interlink’s “Tuner Group” will continue on, which includes other magazines such as Import Tuner and Super Street to name a few.

It’s chief editor Peter Tarach ( and fellow 240SX enthusiast ) was supposedly fired yesterday according to Jalopnik, and informed that Modified Magazine was going to be closed. Rumors of a possible Truck Trend and Hot Rod closure continue to swirl around the Internet and enthusiast communities.

It’s not hard to fathom the reasons behind the closure of the magazine, but it doesn’t change the fact it’s bittersweet for import fans and automotive fans everywhere.

For more information, take the jump over to Jalopnik for further coverage and comments.

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